Page 38 of Fated Crossing

He must sense my anxiety because amusement crosses the bond.“Yes, I’m fine. Are you worried?”

“I guess you would know if I lied, so yes, I am.”

Waves of coolness sweep across my mind like a caress before he says,“I’ll see you soon, Grace.”

The coolness seeps out, and I take my seat next to Niethal.

“My dear, purple suits you. You look magnificent this evening.” His eyes flit to my crescent moon necklace. “I picked that myself. Do you like it?”

I lift a hand to the necklace and twist it; the tiny diamond-shaped star sparkles with light from the lanterns. “It is lovely, thank—” I catch myself. “It was a thoughtful gesture.”

He quirks an eyebrow and smiles. “Ah, so close to owing another debt. What a pity.”

My lips clamp together. There will be no more playing this game. I won’t be a fool for him anymore. His grin fades when I don’t respond, and his mouth opens as if to say something else, but King Holford calls his name, and with a small sigh, he turns to answer him.

As the minutes pass, I find myself checking the door. Isiah said he was fine, so I don’t know why I’m so anxious. It appears Niethal tires of waiting because he waves a hand, and the servants bring out the first course of food. They’re just setting the plates on the table when Isiah walks in.

He’s in worn leathers that cling to his lower body, showing every inch of muscle beneath, and a short-sleeved black tunic that may have been nice but is now tattered. The sleeve on one side is torn, and six freshly healed wounds show on his shoulder.

My brows knit together. He said he was okay.

“Apologies for being late. I see you went ahead and got started.” Isiah sits in an empty seat on the opposite side of the table, three chairs away from mine.

The other kings grumble about his appearance, but I don’t believe he has ever looked more handsome. His cheeks are flushed, his hair swept back and tousled as if he’s been riding all day.

I don’t know if he picks up on my thoughts, but he grins at me, and I blush as coolness caresses my mind.

“How gracious of you to join us, prince. Albeit late and underdressed for the occasion, but no matter.” Niethal waves it off as if batting an annoying fly.

A servant places a plate of food and a glass of wine in front of Isiah. He picks up the glass, eyeing it thoughtfully, before saying, “I ran into trouble while riding today, but no need to worry yourself. All is well now.” Isiah sneers at Niethal before winking at me. He must be trying to get under Niethal’s skin, and it appears to be working.

Niethal briefly clenches the fork in his hand before relaxing. “What troubles did you have in my lands? I’ve not heard of any issues today.” He stabs a piece of food off his plate and eats it, showing only the slightest interest in Isiah’s troubles.

“My companions and I went for a ride out west.” Isiah pauses, taking a long swallow of his wine before continuing. “I had found a map of the area and thought the open land would make for a relaxing ride.”

If this information is supposed to mean something to Niethal, he gives nothing away, though Isiah is clearly looking for a reaction. They openly glare at each other.

I’m missing something.

When it appears neither will break the silence, I ask, “What’s out west?” My voice snaps them from their fevered stare, and they focus on me. I meet Isiah’s eyes. “And what happened to your shoulder?”

Although the wounds appear clean, they are still swollen, red, and oddly shaped. The marks resemble crescent moons. Without thinking, I twirl my necklace, letting the chain rub against my chest. Isiah’s eyes track the motion, and I release it and fold my hands in my lap.

He pries his eyes from the necklace to meet my gaze. And a coolness brushes my mind before his words.“No need to be shy. You look beautiful tonight. Although I would prefer you in red and black. Or any other color besides purple.”

“You would, wouldn’t you? A shame we’re here, or else I’d go back to my room and change into something more to your liking.”

His attention is solely on me. Having that power over him gives me a thrill.

“Oh? And what would that be?”He lifts his glass of wine and takes another sip.

Something about Isiah makes me feel bolder than I’ve ever been with anyone, so I say,“Nothing at all.”

He chokes on his wine, and I press a fist to my lips, chuckling against my knuckles. Eyes around the table stare at us questioningly, and I realize my mistake.

Niethal’s eyes narrow on me. “Something funny, my dear?” he asks, glancing between Isiah and me.
