Page 31 of Fated Crossing

Niethal chuckles and leans forward, hands now gripping the arms of his chair. “No, it’s not those things; you are correct. By all means, let’s skip the pleasantries. You are here to understand your role. You, my dear, are the key to winning this war quickly and with as few casualties on both sides as possible.” He lets go of the arms and relaxes back in his seat. “Your blood is what I need, and you will give it to me.”

A shudder runs through my entire body. “What do you need my blood for?” I glance across the table to Isiah and find him frowning.

“Your blood holds the key to opening Anaeris and bringing down the borders, among other things. Gabriel and Alessandra were most treasonous amongst the fae and hid many family artifacts away without just cause. They thought to erase all memory of our relics with their lost city, but I was there during that time. I remember the bloodstone and others in their vault, the falsehoods they told, and the bargain they broke. Now fate has brought you through the crossing to right your family’s wrongs. You should be excited to help mend the situation.”

My hands clench, nails digging into my palms under the table. We both know he brought me through the crossing. Even if it was theomnipotentFates’grand plan. I’m about to say as much when the other kings finally take an interest in the conversation.

“Which relics do you remember, King Grager? Did you see my chalice amongst them?” King Holford asks as he pulls his chair closer to the table.

“How can you be certain the city did not fall?” King Tullid questions. “It’s been a thousand years, and no one has found it. If it were there, someone would have surely sensed it by now.”

Isiah’s voice carries over the others. “What falsehoods do you speak of? And what broken bargain?”

Niethal ignores the other kings’ questions and turns toward Isiah with a pinched expression. “The falsehoods will be revealed when the bargain is completed.”

His answer is vague, and I don’t like it.

“How does Lady Grace’s blood play into this?” King Briar asks. “Will it undo the magic surrounding Anaeris and the kingdoms?”

Niethal draws in a slow, steady breath before responding, “Yes, there’s a ritual Grace will perform that will bring down both the border and blood magic.”

Again, he’s vague, and I can’t sit quietly anymore. “What does this ritual involve? If I’m the one to do it, I should know what to expect.”

Niethal clasps his hands together. “First, we must train you to use your magic before going further. You need to call your fire on demandandcontrol it. If what our demonstration at the ball showed is true, it will take a lot of work.” He smirks as if I’m a pet project of his.

I sit up straighter. “And if I say no?”

“You won’t.” His answer is so matter of fact, I question if I missed something.

“You seem so sure of that. If I’m the key to opening everything, try harder to convince me to participate.”

He doesn’t respond but casually waves his hand, and without a word, a servant leaves the room. Confused, I search the king’s face for any explanation but find only a smug expression. After a moment, the servant returns with a small sheet of paper. He hands it to Niethal, then bows and steps back against the wall.

Niethal unfolds the paper and meets my gaze. “James and Aurielle Helden. 442 Langston Drive… do I need to continue?”

Fear squeezes the air from my lungs.

My parents’ new house.

“Ah, yes, there’s the expression I was looking for. Now that we understand one another, we can begin. Do you agree, Grace?”

“You’re a bastard,” I say under my breath, but he hears.

“Some, I’m sure, would agree with you. Now, do we understand each other? Your parents are safe at home and will stay that way, so long as you do not defy me. You are a stubborn yet beautiful pain in my ass, but you will be useful. And before the end, you’ll accept it all, willingly.”

“Fine.” I utter the word with bitter resentment.

Molten anger flows through me. I’m so furious he’s backed me into a corner that I’m having trouble containing my magic. My skin burns, flames swirling beneath the surface in search of a way out. I can feel, more than see, Isiah’s attention, begging me to look at him. Just when my fire is about to escape, a cool presence brushes my mind, a silent question, and I push back a response.


The invisible barrier surrounding my mind falls.

Ever since Isiah’s shadows wrapped around me at that snowy frozen lake, a part of my mind has opened. This exact thing happened as I stood on the dais the second time, though I did not know it then. I had instinctually turned toward the feeling—toward him.

Now that I know what it is, I don’t hesitate.Letting him in feels natural.

“Are you okay?”His words come through as images, but I hear and see them the same.