Page 28 of Fated Crossing

“No, they’re beautiful, as were the last dresses I wore. I… it’snothing. They’re lovely.”

She places one bag on the table and waves me over. “The king wanted to give you these to wear today.”

Inside the bag are several pieces of jewelry: two gold necklaces, one with an emerald stone the size of a walnut and the other a golden crescent moon with a diamond star hanging from the tip of the horn. Each necklace has a pair of matching jeweled earrings.

“They are lovely,” I say, admiring the crescent moon necklace as it dangles from my hand.

“His Majesty selected them himself. He was especially fond of the crescent one.” She beams, but it fades when she sees my face, and the uncertainty that must be on it. “I know it’s none of my business, but did something happen between you and the king? You seemed so excited earlier in the week, especially after your trip to Grager. After the ball, though, something changed.”

She gestures for me to sit and begins putting on my makeup.

“You know what happened at the ball with my magic, so what do you think changed?” I say with a hard edge to my voice.

She gives a pained look. “Yes, perhaps he revealed the information in the wrong way. The king is a blunt man. I don’t think he’s used to considering others’ feelings. Look, I’ve worked at the castle for nearly a hundred years. He’s a fair male. He’s always treated my mum and me well.”

“Your mother works here?” I glance up at her in surprise, but shetsks, so I focus on my feet so she can finish putting kohl on my eyes.

“Yes, you’ve met her. Serafin is my mother.”

I picture Serafin in my head and can see the resemblance.

“How long has she worked here?”

“She has been the head steward for nearly five hundred years. It’s the only work she’s ever had.”

Wow. I knew the fae lived a long time, but hearing it is still shocking. This brings another question to mind. “How long has Niethal been king?”

She slows her gentle swipes of rouge on my cheeks. “I believe he became king after the war ended, once we were behind the borders.”

But that means…

No, he can’t be that old, can he?

“There, finished. Beautiful as always,” Delphina says as she steps back to appreciate her work. “Have a look before we put on your dress.”

I stand to survey myself in the full-length mirror and agree; she has performed magic yet again. “It’s perfect. I… appreciate your effort,” I fumble awkwardly, trying not to thank her.

She smiles warmly. “Come on, let’s get you dressed.”

The emerald dress glides over my head without catching. She then grabs the matching emerald necklace and earrings and puts them on me. Once I’m fully dressed, she says her goodbyes and departs.

I have a few minutes before the next servant comes to escort me, and my mind races, searching for answers.

Why is Niethal still trying to get on my good side? The dresses and jewelry, and requesting I attend the meetings with him. Not to mention how he leaned in last night as though he might kiss me.

My chest tightens at the thought.

I didn’t want him to, did I?No, what I wanted was to punch him in the face.Thatis the emotion I was looking for.

The knock at my door signals it’s time to go, and it’s also time to stop thinking such foolish things.

As I follow the servant through the hallways, goose bumps pimple my flesh. We round the bend and find Isiah and his guards standing together, talking. His back is toward me, but his body stills as I approach. The servant leading me continues past the group, hurrying down the corridor, but I stop next to Isiah.

This may only buy me a minute to talk to him, but I’ll take whatever time I can.

A broad smile spreads across Isiah’s face when his eyes meet mine. The guards who surround us are all but forgotten.

“Hi,” I say nervously after a moment of silence.