The beautiful construction looks like Cassidy and the absolute opposite of Max. It looks friendly. Charming. Not overly big but clearly built with wealth.

Butterflies awaken inside me.

I can do this.

Nodding to myself, I approach the door and knock, instantly met by barking and canine grumbles.

I beam and widen my legs to brace myself for the large Bernese Mountain dog’s attention. She can effortlessly bowl my feet out from under me.

Cassidy answers the door with Clara—the noisy canine—peering around her waist to get a good look at me.

“Hi,” I breathe the word, suddenly hit with nervousness that fills my chest, creating an airy kind of sensation. “You might not want to see me after everything. It was my fault that Max got hurt and—”

“Look,” she says straightaway, ushering Clara away with a little pat. “I am overprotective of my Max. I didn’t like what happened. I didn’t like not knowing. It really hurt. I care about no one as much as him. He’s mine.MyMax.”

I suck a breath in. “I know. It was my fault—"

“But no, Fawn.” Opening the door and stepping to the side for me, she adds, “It was Dustin’s fault that Max got hurt. Not yours. It was Max’s fault that he did this without telling me. But from what I’ve heard, if you didn’t go with him, Xander might be dead.” Her eyes well up. “I’ll always be selfish when it comes to Max. I’ll always want to keep him safe above anything or anyone else. I don’t apologise for that. I can’t. But you were so brave, Fawn, to go to him and to think of Xander. You risked your life for Xander’s.”

I exhale with relief but shake my head at her praise. “I didn’t feel brave at all. It was what had to happen.”

“Honestly, I didn’t see that side of you before this,” she admits. “The protective side. The selfless side. Everything has been a little… “about Fawn-ish”. I’m sorry for that. It’s just how it has seemed from the outside. Clay put you on this pedestal. Don’t scare Fawn. Don’t upset her. Make sure she eats.

“And these boys are special. And I liked you. I like most people, but now that I look at our interactions, I can see that I didn’t really take the time to get toknowyou.” She sighs, a little regret tumbling down the sound. “I didn’t see you ever risking your life for one of the boys.”

I shrug. “It isn’t a big deal. You don’t owe me anything. I mean, I came the whole way here to avenge a boy who had no fucking respe— Oh.Shit.”I lower my voice, remembering her daughter, Kelly, could be close by. “Is Kels here? I probably shouldn’t swear around her, hey?”

“She’s at kindergarten. And it’s okay. Max still swears around her and she says, ‘sayfrickdaddy.’” Cassidy giggles once, then says, “finish your story.”

I sigh. “Well, he didn’t give a shit about me, and I would have done anything to protect him. So, of course, I would do anything to protect Xander. He was my first friend here. He was the one out of everyone who treated me like an equal.”

“And that means a lot to you, doesn’t it?” she asks sadly. “For someone to just treat you with basic human kindness and interest? Enough for you to risk your life to save that person.” Her throat rolls with emotion. “I knew you had a hard past, but I can actually see it in your actions now.”

“The damage,” I joke, and she smiles a little.

Walking into her beautiful home, I take it all in. It’s large, open plan, and warm with oak-coloured flooring.

“You impressed Max,” she states as though that is the highest of regards. “And he isnotan easy man to impress. I guess that means you’re a Butcher Girl now.” Then the curve of her mouth dances with amusement as she says, “You know, it’s a lot of responsibility being a Butcher Girl. We have a secret clubhouse, meetings, bake sales—"

I wrap my arms around her in the doorway, the gesture shocking her equally as much as it shocks me. I turn my face into her hair and say, “Thank you.”

She returns my hug. “Don’t thank me. Didn’t I just tell you about all the responsibilities?”

I laugh gently and step back from her. “I’ll do a bake sale any damn day.” Then I take a big breath in and say, “Can I see Max? Is he badly hurt?”

“Of course. He’s in pain, but he’s pretending he’s not. You know how that is… They’re all outside.” She waves a little, saying, “Follow me.”

We walk down the long corridor, well-lit by the windows and glass sliding door at the end. The natural light floods the space, highlighting the family photos lining the white walls. I gaze at pictures as I pass them.

Smiling, I see a lot of Kelly, and Max and Cassidy. Clara too. Then there are some of Bronson and Xander at parties. And finally, wedding photos with the entire family.

A whole collage of photos at a tropical location halts me. My feet unable to move. There is…Clay and Aurora,looking very married.Coupley. Her wedding dress is like nothing I have ever seen before.

Get over it, Fawn.

I am his everything.

I rub my chest. It still hurts to see another woman experience something with him that I never will. I want all his experiences, all ofhim.I may be selfish, needy, but the sting is real, and it flares in the face of their smiling images.