Page 17 of Her Way

“There she is.” He smirks and sticks his tongue out to lick his lower lip. “Now come here and give me a hello kiss.”

Shaking my head at him, I’m finding his nonchalance more hurtful than his anger. “I have to go. I have patients to see.” I stop at the door, having pulled it ajar. Glancing back at him, I find him the most glorious sight of masculinity - now with his cock hardening, his thighs and biceps clenching in a way that offers insight into his desire to lunge for me.

I swallow hard against an internal moan. “Stop looking at me like that.”

His turquoise-coloured eyes pierce through me, daring me to walk away, knowing exactly the effect he has over me. “Like what, baby?”

I swallow hard, barely being able to get the words out. “Like I’m ugly.”

Quickly, I turn my back to him and slip from the room.


Fourteen years old

She’s gotto let me in soon.

It’s been fucking hours.

So she slapped me, kissed me, and saved my life, and that was all before I even knew her name. What can I say? I like that in a girl.

I circle around the end of the cul-de-sac and pedal back past her house, whipping the handlebar around and then breaking hard, practising my nose wheelies. A few of her neighbours are pretending to water their lawns, when in fact they are scoping me out. The sun has just dropped past the rooftops, and I’m creeping down the street under the flickering lamps.

They must think I’m bad news.

Either that or they know I’m a Butcher, know I’m bad news.

Her house, a small red brick single story construction, is tiny compared to mine. She’s got a great old-school pool though, outdoors and large. Unlike ours, which is inside and heated and just not the same as being under the rays. I nearly fucking drowned in her bowl of water a few weeks ago, so I feel a closeness to it. I hope she lets me swim in it with her one day.

She’s still peering through the window, the sheer curtains partly covering her cute face. Strands of her glossy near-black hair float beside her cheeks. One amber-coloured iris narrows on me. She can pretend to hate my guts all she wants, but I know the truth. Doesn’t she realise I can see her? Her girlfriends are taking it in turns on the opposite window to watch me. I give them a little show. Bunny hopping with my tire and grinning at them. I swear I can hear them giggling from here.

Finally, I see my opening. A pizza delivery guy pulls up onto her driveway and I pedal quickly towards him. Jumping from my bike before he can get to the door, I land on my feet. The bike slides across the grass, as I call out to him. “Hey, mate. I got it.”

The guy looks confused as I take both pizza boxes from his hand. “You gonna pay?”

Grabbing my wallet, I pass him a fifty. “That should cover it. Keep the change.”

The smell of pepperoni hits my nostrils, and since I’ve been out here for hours, I can really go for a feed. The front door opens and Shoshanna. . .Shoshanna. What a fucking name. Whenever I say it, I find myself playing with the sounds, the phonetics, theshhhh.Shhhosh-anna

I look at her. Shelooks pissed as hell, glowering at me as I hold her pizzas in my hands.

Smirking, I eye that tight little body, developing tits. She may have the best rack I’ve ever seen on a girl our age. “Got the pizzas, baby.”

She grips both hips, drawing more of my attention to how full and womanly they already are. Her flat tanned belly flashes at me from between the top hem of her tight black jeans and the little white crop top she’s sporting. I want to lick that part of her skin. One day, she’ll let me. “Don’t you think for one second that you’re coming in here.”

“Now, now, that’s not very nice,” I say, stepping towards her, tearing my gaze away from her belly button and up to her smouldering amber eyes. “I just bought you dinner. It’s an official date.”

She scoffs, and I grin. “It’s not a date,” she says. “I don’t date thugs.”

A smirk engulfs my face, but I gasp in a feigned display of offence. “Thugs?”

Clearly not buying my wounded ego, she confirms, “Yes.”

Opening a pizza box, I grab a slice out and take a bite, humming enthusiastically. “You’re really going to deny me your company?”

She nods. “Yes.”

“Because I’m a thug?” I murmur around a bite of delicious cheese and pepperoni.