“Yeah. And then I told him that he possibly got me pregnant and that was that.”

“Oh shit. What did he say?”

“Well, let’s just say he wasn’t jumping up and down, ecstatic, saying he can’t wait to be my baby daddy and pay me millions of dollars a year in child support.” I giggled slightly as Poppy’s eyes widened. “I mean, of course he wouldn’t say anything like that, and I wouldn’t even think anything like that.”

“What will you do if you are pregnant, Molly?” she asked in a low voice.

“I’m not even going to think about it. I’m almost positive that I’m not. I mean, it just would be really bad luck if that were to happen from our first or maybe second time of unprotected sex.”

Chapter 26

“So didyou know that King Charles III might not have been King Charles III?” Poppy asked me, her eyes bright and excited.

“No.” I shook my head. I was having a hard time concentrating on what she was talking about because all I could think about was Travis and the news that I’d given him. My hand rested against my stomach, and I wondered if I could possibly be pregnant. I knew I was being absolutely ridiculous. We just had sex that morning, so if I was pregnant, it wouldn’t have happened right away, but was his sperm at this very moment swimming toward my egg to fertilize it? Though I guess that would’ve already happened. I wish I knew more about the reproductive system and the timeline of things, but I’d have to wait until I landed in LA to google.

“Are you even paying attention to me, Molly?” Poppy asked, her eyes wide as she poked me in the shoulder.

“Of course, you said that King Charles III might not have been King Charles III if his mom had done something,” I made up a lie quickly.

“No, that’s not what I said at all. He was able to choose his moniker, and he didn’t have to go with Charles III. He could have—”

“I’m sorry, Poppy,” I said, shaking my head and cutting her off. “I really do care about the English monarchy, but right now, my mind is on other things.”

“Oh, you’re thinking about Travis and his possible spawn?”

“Really, Poppy?”

“What?” she said, giggling slightly. “I’m sorry. If you’re pregnant, it’s not spawn. You’re not having an alien. If you’re pregnant, you’ll probably have the most beautiful baby known to man.”

“You think so?” I said, grinning. “I mean, not that I want to be pregnant”—I shuddered—“but if for some reason I did get pregnant, and I did have the baby, I do think it would be pretty good looking.”

“Yeah,” she said. “That baby would be gorgeous, and you’d be set for life.”

“I would not be set for life. You’re making it seem like I’m trying to trap him by getting pregnant, and—”

“Molly, I’m your best friend. I know you wouldn’t do such a thing, plus your dad is loaded. You do not need Mr. Not Quite Perfect’s money to raise your baby.”

“True, though my dad would absolutely kill me if I came home with a baby and I was not married.”

“Even if it was for Travis Covington?”

“Even worse if it was for Travis Covington. He’d want to know why I was hooking up with a man without being in a relationship, and then”—I shuddered to think of what my dad would say—“you know my dad would go down to Covington and Associates and demand to speak to him and threaten to sue him, and—”

“I know. Your dad is absolutely ridiculous”—she giggled—“but at least he loves you.”

“Yeah, he loves me even though he tries to control my life.”

“That he does. So okay, you don’t want to talk about your possible pregnancy. You don’t want to talk about King Charles III. What do you want to talk about?”

“What should we do when we’re in LA?” I asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe we could go down to Malibu.”

“That would be cool, but I don’t know if we’ll have the time, plus we haven’t rented a car.”

“True, but I could rent a car.”

“No, you need to save your pennies so you can move to New York.”