“Why doI feel like singing that song, ‘Air Force One’?” Poppy said as we sat in our seats on the private plane.

“Because I feel like we’re onAir Force Oneright now,” I said, giggling as we looked around. Travis was sitting in the row behind us, talking on his phone. He looked to be in a very intense conversation, and I wasn’t sure if I should have asked him if he wanted me to take notes or something. But he hadn’t asked, and I hadn’t really thought about it.

“You’re looking really happy this morning,” Poppy said with a small smile, whispering slightly so that Travis couldn’t hear.

“I mean, am I looking happier than normal?” I said, laughing.

“Yeah, I thought you and Travis would arrive this morning with daggers being thrown at each other.”

“Why is that?”

“Because you were so upset last night about Pascal.”

“Oh, don’t mention her to me.” I tried not to roll my eyes. Pascal and one of her supermodel friends sat two rows in front of us. I could hear them laughing as they drank champagne.

“So did you speak to him about her?”

“Not really. I didn’t really care,” I said, lying.

“Oh, Molly, you’re not going to fool me,” Poppy said with a grin. “You forget I’ve been your best friend forever. And by the way, he’s really cute.”

“Who is?” I said, staring at her with a blank expression.

“Oh my gosh, Molly. Really?”

“What?” I said, smirking. “I don’t know who you’re talking about.”

“The man who gave it to you good last night,” she said, winking.

I giggled. “Actually, we didn’t have sex last night. I told him we were watching a movie.”

“Wow. And you stuck to that?”

“Yes. I do have self-control, you know.”

“I know you do, but when you’re with a man as hot as him?” She peeked behind and looked at Travis and mock shuddered. “He is just too fine.”

I laughed then. “Oh, Poppy, you’re such a goof. And well, just because we didn’t have sex last night doesn’t mean we didn’t have sex this morning.”

“Oh!” Poppy winked at me. “So you did get it done.”

“It was absolutely fantastic,” I said, laughing. “In fact…” I said, lowering my voice even more.

“I can’t hear you,” Poppy said as she leaned forward. “What did you say?”

I said, “In fact, it was the first time I’ve ever had sex with a man, and he… Well, you know.”

“Um? And he came?” She looked confused.

“Yeah.” I nodded.

“You’ve never made a man come before. I thought men always came during sex?”

“No, that’s not what I’m saying.” I giggled. “I meant come inside me.”

Poppy still looked confused. “I mean, don’t most men come inside you when they’re wearing a condom? It would be weird for them to pull out and then come in a condom outside of you?”

“He wasn’t wearing a condom,” I said.