“Well, I don’t think it’s fair that only the directors of his company are going to get a pension plan. They’re already making significantly more money than other people in the company. I think if he’s going to offer a pension plan, then he should include everyone. Especially considering that it’s the smaller people in the company who are making the most money for him, which he readily admits. He readily admits that the directors of the company are just headpieces, which…” I bit down on my lower lip. “Well, I think that happens in a lot of companies and I just don’t think it’s right that all the directors and VPs of all these Fortune 500 companies make so much money, and the workers, the people who are slaving away so that these companiescan succeed, are not compensated much and don’t really get retirement plans. It’s just not fair.”

Travis looked at me and nodded. “I see.”

“What? I guess you don’t agree with me.”

“Did I say that?”

“No, but you didn’t say that you agree.”

He nodded slightly. “True.”

“So are you not going to tell me how you feel about what I said?”

“I think you sound like a proletariat.”

“What’s that supposed to mean? I sound like a worker? Maybe I sound like a worker because I am a worker. We’re all workers, right?”

“We are,” he said.

“Okay. What? Do you think I’m like a communist or something?”

“No.” He started laughing. “Why would you say that?”

“I don’t know. Because you’re just giving me a look, and I don’t know what you’re thinking and…” I realized I was mumbling. “And I don’t know how you feel about what happened.”

“I feel that the compensation structure in many companies is not fair to the lowest people on the totem pole. I feel that if you put in a certain amount of years at a company that you should be compensated with a fair pension plan, especially if the company offers a pension plan. I feel that it’s not my business to govern other businesses, though.” He shrugged. “And I don’t think you can make a company offer a pension plan to all its employees if it doesn’t want to, but then that’s why there are unions.”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh, and you’re going to tell me you’re pro-union.”

He started laughing then. “By the way you made that comment, I assume you think I’m anti-union?”

“I don’t think that most billionaires or executives are pro-union.”

He smiled at me. “Then you don’t know me that well, do you?”

“And you don’t know me that well, either.”

“I want to get to know you.”


“Because I like talking to you and hearing your opinion on things. I’m not this big bad corporate wolf, you know. I do care about people and making a difference. That’s why I started this program.”

I stared at him thoughtfully. “True. I guess a big bad corporate wolf wouldn’t care about the plight of women in finance.” I smiled. “You’ve got really beautiful, striking blue eyes.”

“Thank you,” he said. “You’ve got a really cute nose.”

“Really?” I touched my nose self-consciously, and he nodded as he leaned forward and kissed it.

“Yep, and you’ve got beautiful eyes and beautiful lips and beautiful breasts. And…”

“You said we weren’t going to have sex tonight. You said we were going to watch movies and talk.”

He laughed. “But we haven’t even had dinner yet. So technically, if we have sex now, I’m not going against what I said earlier.”

“Travis,” I gasped as I felt his hands on my stomach.

“What?” he asked as his fingers deftly undid my buttons and came up to cup my breast. “You said…”