“Hey, Travis!” An older man with white hair stepped forward. “You made it to the best coast, I see!”

“Very funny,” Travis said. “Eagle. This is my assistant, Molly Malone.”

“Nice to meet you, Molly.” The man named Eagle nodded and held out his hand. “My two associates will be inside in a moment.”

“Awesome!” Travis said. And then my heart froze. I saw the two men walking into the room. I recognized one of them right away, and I knew he recognized me.

“Molly, is that you?”

I paused in response. I didn’t know what to say. Travis looked at me in surprise.

“Molly, it’s me. Matthew.”

Matthew with his fair hair and light blue eyes stepped forward.

“Oh, hey, Matthew,” I said. “Surprised to see you here.”

“You too. I didn’t know you were back in San Francisco. Your dad didn’t tell me.”

“Yeah. Well…”

“You two know each other?” Travis spoke up again.

“Oh, hi. You must be Travis Covington?” Matthew said with a wide smile and held out his hand. “I’m Matthew. Matthew Swart. I’m one of the counsel for Eagle here.”

Eagle looked back at Matthew and then at Travis.

“Yes. He works for the law firm. He’s one of the attorneys on my account. And you know Molly how?”

Travis was surprised.

“Her father.” He laughed. “He’s the main partner at the firm.” Matthew looked at me. “And how do you know Travis Covington here?”

“She’s my assistant.” Travis pressed his lips together and looked at me, a question in his eyes.

I mean, he couldn’t think he was the only rich person I’d come into acquaintance with, could he? Just because I was poor didn’t mean my family was poor. In fact, far from it. Sure, they weren’t billionaires like Travis, but my dad was definitely a millionaire. He was a partner at the law firm that my grandfather had founded. And my mother, well, she could trace her roots back to theMayflower.

I bit down on my lower lip. I didn’t want to have to explain that to him, though. I just wanted him to think of me as sweet, little, poor Molly Malone.

“So, Molly, we’ll have to go for dinner,” Matthew said, interrupting my thoughts. “It’s been a while.”

“Yeah, it has.”

Matthew looked over at Travis, who was paying attention to our conversation.

“Molly and I dated for a little bit when I was a sophomore at Stanford Law. I thought perhaps one day we’d get married, but I think I was too establishment for her.” He started laughing. “But maybe not, now that you’re in the finance world. What are you doing?”

“I’m Mr. Covington’s assistant.”

“Oh! Do your parents know?”

“No,” I said, shaking my head, “and I’d be grateful if you didn’t say anything?”

“Oh, right,” he said, “I’m guessing they don’t know you’re in town, either, then?”

“No,” I said, shaking my head.

“Well, I have an idea.” He stepped forward and grinned.