“What do you want it to be?”

“It should be business because it’s a business trip.”

“But when we’re in the hotel, what is that?”

“It’s still business because we’re there because…”

“Fine,” he said. “I’ll let you make the rules. But…”

“But what?” I said. “If you want to book one hotel room for San Francisco, I’m not going to say no.”

Chapter 13

“Good morning,Ms. Malone. How are you doing today? I’m John.”

I looked at the driver holding the door to the limo open for me and nodded.

“Um, hi, John,” I said, blinking. “You’re the driver?”

“I am, ma’am. Mr. Covington sent me.”

“Oh wow. I thought he was joking.”

I was flustered as I stared at him.

“He wasn’t. I’m to take you to the office.”

“Okay, well, thanks. I appreciate it. I know I could have walked or got a taxi or…”

“It’s fine, ma’am. It’s my job.”

I slid into the back of the limo, and he closed the door behind me. I was flabbergasted that I had been picked up in a limo. I’d never been in such a luxurious limo before in my life. When I’d been in high school and gone to prom, we rented a limo, but it had been really cheap and smelled of stale alcohol and cigarettes. This was classy.

John got into the front, and the window dividing his space from mine came down.

“Ma’am, there’s coffee to the right and some bagels if you would like some. I got them fresh this morning.”

“Oh wow. For me?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Thank you.”

“And would you like to stop anywhere on your way to the office?”

“No, I’m good. Thank you.” I stifled a yawn.

“It’s really early. You must be so tired.”

“I’m fine. Thank you,” I spill out.

And with that, he put the divider back up, and the limo started driving. I looked over to the side and saw a box of bagels and opened it. There was cream cheese and lox on the side. I helped myself to one of the plain bagels. I took a sip of the coffee sitting in a cup next to the box and smiled. This was amazing. I could get used to this. Not that I expected a limo to pick me up every day because I wasn’t the queen of England or even the president’s daughter, but wow. What would it be like to live a life of luxury like this? I smiled to myself. If my parents could see me now, they would absolutely lose it. And my parents, well, they didn’t want for anything, but they weren’t this wealthy.

My phone beeped, and I pulled it out of my handbag. I saw that Travis was calling me.

“Hello?” I said as I sipped on my coffee.

“Did you get it? Did you make it out of your apartment?” he asked softly.