“I kind of liked Carrie Ann,” I said slowly, trying to remember the names of the people we met. Because the only thing I’d been thinking about was Travis.

“Carrie Ann? The one who went to Wharton Business School and looked like a witch?” She sounded surprised.

“I mean, I like that she’s a no-nonsense woman. It’s hard for women to get ahead in this industry.”

“True.” She nodded. “I guess that makes sense. But if you wanted to be with a woman, is there any reason you wouldn’t want to be with Victoria?”

“Victoria?” I cocked my head to the side. “Which one was she again?”

“The redhead with a really sweet smile. The one who went to Iowa State and said she helped turn her father’s farm around.”

“Oh yeah.” I chewed on my lower lip. I absolutely had no idea who Alice was talking about. Had I been that spaced out?

“I’m surprised you don’t want to be with her,” Alice said again.

“I mean, I wouldn’t mind.”

“There was no Carrie Ann.” Alice shook her head and grinned. “You totally were spaced out, weren’t you?”

“I mean, kind of. I was thinking about Travis, and…”

“Did anything happen with you and Travis?” she asked me, her eyes peering into mine.

“No! Why’d you say that?” I could feel a blush on my face.

“Because you’re sure acting a little suspicious, and…” She paused. “Well, I just feel like…”

“Nothing happened. I mean…” I bit down on my lower lip. “Nothing I can talk about now.”

Her eyes widened. “Holy shit, Batman! So you guys did hook up! Rosalie was right.”

“What do you mean, ‘Rosalie was right’?” I frowned.

“She told me the way you guys were acting that night, you definitely hooked up.”

“Well, we didn’t hook up that night,” I said quickly.

“What? When?”

“I can’t talk about it now,” I said, shaking my head. I didn’t want anyone to overhear our conversation.

“I’d like everyone’s attention, please,” the HR lady said. “We’re going to announce the partners. As you all know, you will be the assistant to one of our managers here, or even perhaps the CEO himself, Travis Covington, who has agreed to partake in this visionary program that myself and some other staff members have created. Let’s start with Alice Pascal. You will be paired with Foster Sloan.

“Now, everyone, just in case you didn’t know, Alice and Foster are engaged and in a relationship. This has been disclosed to HR. So there’s no need to report it if you see them talking in a fashion that seems flirtatious.” I couldn’t tell from the HR lady’s voice if she approved or not.

She listed off a bunch of the other new hires’ names and their mentors. And then she came to me.

“Molly Malone.” She looked around the room. I raised my hand slightly.

“Here. I’m here,” I squeaked out as if I was in class.

“Oh yes, you’re Molly.” She frowned slightly. “Well, well, well.”

“Yeah?” I said cautiously, feeling very nervous.

“It looks like you’ve been given the highest honor of the day.”

“I have?” I could feel all hope leaving my heart.