“It’ll be fine. Plus your mentor will be able to let you know everything he knows, and soon, we’ll both have lots of information.”

“Yeah, true. Not unless my mentor expects me to have a basic grasp of financial terms already.”

“Yeah.” Alice sighed. “Well, then we’re both screwed.”

We both started laughing then. I stared at her. “You know what? Why don’t we go out for a drink now?”

“You sure? I thought you wanted to get back home or something.”

“I’m okay. Let’s get a drink. I feel like I need something to help celebrate this week.”

I quickly changed my tone so she didn’t question why I was a little bit peeved.

“Okay. Yeah. I know a place around the corner. I’ve been there with Foster a couple of times. The drinks are absolutely amazing, and the cocktails are out of this world.”

“Then let’s go.” I laughed. “I need to get drunk tonight.”

Imade my way back into my apartment. I was drunk and incredibly tired. I looked at my phone and saw that it was only eleven thirty p.m. I thought I’d been out till one o’clock, but at least I’d be able to get a good night’s sleep. I saw that I had a text message from Travis. I frowned as I opened it.

Travis:Hope you’re not fantasizing about me and wishing you were with me.

I stared at it and rolled my eyes. He was such an asshole.

“You’re such a jackass,” I said out loud as I slammed my door and thought about what to send him back in response.

I made my way to my bedroom, pulled off my clothes, and typed into the phone.

Me:My milkshake brings all the boys to my studio apartment.

So there.

I pressed send and then fell onto my bed, watching the screen. It beeped immediately.

Travis:Your milkshake? Is there something I should know?

“Oh fuck!” I exclaimed as I realized what I had said.

Me:I mean, my honey brings all the boys to my studio apartment. You know, everyone wants a dip.

He responded immediately.

Travis:Well, I would say my salty milkshake brings all the girls to my deluxe penthouse.

I rolled my eyes at his response.

Me:You wish.I typed back quickly.

He didn’t respond, and for a few moments, I thought he wasn’t going to. Was this how it was all going to end? And so then I text him back again.

Me:By the way, Travis Covington, I just want you to know because you have a big head, and I mean your real head, not the one down below, which really, quite frankly is not that big… I’ve had much bigger.

I pressed send quickly, and then as I was feeling even more incensed and annoyed, I continued typing.

Me:Sex with you was mediocre. I would give it a five out of ten, and that’s why I left. So there. So no, you weren’t the best I’ve ever had. You didn’t give me the best orgasm I’ve ever had, and I don’t need another milkshake when I have Shake Shack four blocks away.

I pressed send again and stared at the phone. I groaned. I really sounded like an idiot.

Me:Anyway, have a nice life. Don’t bother texting me again. I have better fantasies than you.