Page 120 of Mr. Not Quite Perfect

“What do you mean the rest?” I laughed. “I thought you said this wasn’t about sex.”

“It’s not just about sex,” he said. “It’s also about the cuddling and whispering and waking up to you in the morning.”

He leaned down and gave me a kiss on the lips. “I know this might surprise you, Molly Malone, but I kind of like the flash of your eyes in the morning.”


“Yeah,” he said. “Maybe I even like the milk on my face, too.”

“Don’t lie,” I said, laughing.

“True,” he said. “I didn’t like that.”

Chapter 34

“So I thoughtI could run a bubble bath for you,” Travis said as we walked back to his suite.

“A bubble bath? At two o’clock in the morning?”

He groaned. “Sorry, I almost forgot the time. I guess you don’t want a bubble bath right now?”

I stared at him for a couple of seconds and realized he was trying to let me see this was about more than sex for him.

“You know what? A bubble bath would help me relax. Sure,” I said.

“And I can give you a massage as well.” He grinned.

“Ooh, a massage. That sounds nice.”

“I’ll give you a full-body deep-tissue massage.”

“Hold on a minute,” I said, laughing lightly. “Aren’t deep-tissue massages painful?”

“They don’t have to be.” He shook his head.

“I prefer the Swedish type of massage. They’re a little bit softer.”

“Okay.” He nodded. “Whatever you want.”

“You’re being very amiable right now.”

“Maybe because we’re finally on the same page,” he said, “and I’m happy.”

“Really? You’re happy just because I said I will think about what I really want to do with my life?”

“Yeah. I think… Well, I know you don’t know that I’m the sort of man who actually runs from entanglements, and… Well, this shows me that I’m perfectly capable of falling for a woman and becoming entwined and letting things get messy.”

“What? What things are getting messy? What are you talking about?” I waited outside his suite as he opened the door.

He grinned as he ushered me into the room. “Well, women I’ve dated in the past have said that I am a shell of a man, that I don’t experience feelings, and that I’m incapable of experiencing feelings. But this entire situation goes to show that that’s not true.”

“What entire situation? You offering to give me a massage and a bubble bath?”

“No, the fact that it was driving me crazy seeing you in a storm, thinking about you with another man, and wanting to be able to introduce you as my girl.”

“Your girl?” I raised an eyebrow. My heart was thudding now. “So I think I have a question for you.”

“What’s your question?”