Page 117 of Mr. Not Quite Perfect

“So where are we going?”

“I’m in a suite,” he said. “We’ll work there.”

“Okay.” I looked back at Poppy. “Well, sweet dreams, girlfriend, and don’t let that asshole keep you up.”

“Oh, trust me, girlfriend, I won’t. I can’t even remember his name right now.”

“Whose name?” I said, grinning at her.

“Brandon’s.” She giggled and then slapped her hand to her mouth. “Oops. I mean, I can’t remember.”

I laughed then and looked up at Travis, who looked confused.

“Night, girl,” I said and closed the door behind me.

I folded my arms and then glared at Travis. “What the hell is going on? What work has to be done now that couldn’t be done later in the morning?”

“We needed to talk.”

“What’d you mean we needed to talk?”

“I saw you giving your phone number to Storm.”


“And why did you give him your number?”

“Because he said he’s going to get me tickets to go to some shows in New York. And I said, ‘That would be absolutely amazing.’ I love going to concerts, and free concerts are even better, and backstage passes, well, that is something I could only dream about.”

He bit down on his lower lip. “You do realize that those tickets will come with strings?”

I rolled my eyes then. “Oh my gosh, what strings?”

“He’s going to expect something from you.”

“What’s he going to expect from me, Travis?”

He pressed his lips together. “You’re not really that dumb, are you, Molly?”

“No, I’m not dumb at all. But thanks for thinking that I am.”

“Well, if you don’t know what sort of strings a guy is going to expect for giving you fancy gifts.”

I burst out laughing then. “Concert tickets are not fancy gifts. A diamond tennis bracelet is a fancy gift. A Birkin bag is a fancy gift. Manolo Blahnik shoes are fancy gifts. Chanel is a fancy gift. Taking me to Paris first class and buying me Parisian baguettes is a fancy gift. Getting me into a concert? It’s basic. You know what I mean? I’ve had guys in high school take me to concerts.”

“And you had guys in high school take you backstage and fuck you over the drum set?” he said, growling.

I rolled my eyes. “Oh my gosh. Really, Travis?”

“I’m just saying I don’t think you should be having words with Storm or accepting any gifts from him because it’ll come with strings. I know you might not want to think that, Molly. I know you want to think that everyone is sugar and spice and all things nice, but men have one thing on their minds, and that is sex. And we’ve already stated that—”

“Oh my gosh, Travis, I’m not going to have sex with him just because I gave him my phone number. Get off your jealous asshole-y platform.”

“I’m not…” He paused and made a face. “Okay, maybe I’m acting slightly jealous, but it’s only because—”

“It’s only because what? You don’t want to think that your plaything could be someone else’s plaything?”

He stared at me through narrowed eyes. “Now, now, Miss Molly Malone, you’re more to me than just the plaything.”