Page 112 of Mr. Not Quite Perfect

“Oh.” Travis nodded. “Okay. Of course. Who doesn’t know Cairo Trojan?”

“He is super rich,” I said, laughing. “They got divorced, though, right, because he cheated or something?”

Barry nodded. “I don’t like to gossip”—he shrugged—“but that is what I heard.”

I looked at him for a couple of seconds and felt respect because I could tell by the look on his face that he did know what had happened. But unlike Dominic, he wasn’t going to gossip and tell me their entire life story and all the stories he’s heard regarding that situation. “So why was Shannon asking about Travis?”

“I think she’s looking for husband number two,” Barry said, looking keenly at Travis. “Are you interested in an introduction?”

Travis paused. “I don’t…”

“Sure he is,” I said quickly. “That would be cool. You’re single, right? And ready to mingle.” I didn’t know why I said that, but for some reason I wanted to show Barry that I was not with Travis, not because I wanted to be with Barry but because I wanted to earn his respect as someone who was making their way up in the finance world by themselves without having a leg up or over someone else.

“Well, I don’t know. I don’t really have that much time,” Travis said, looking at me through narrowed eyes.

“You’ve got to make time. All business and no play makes Travis a dull boy, right?”

Barry chuckled and nodded. “Well, she’ll be here later tonight. I’ll introduce you.”

“Okay, then,” Travis said.

“And what about you, young Molly?” Barry looked me over. “A pretty thing like you. Are you single or…?”

I swallowed hard. “Yeah, I’m single. No boyfriend,” I said quickly because Travis wasn’t my boyfriend. Yeah, we slept together, but we weren’t anything to each other.

“Well, then you must let me introduce you to someone as well.”

“Oh, okay.”

“Do you know Storm Water?”

“Storm Water?” I said, frowning slightly. “The name doesn’t sound familiar.”

“He’s an up-and-coming actor. He used to be in a rock band.”

“Oh, okay. I don’t really listen to rock. Maybe that’s why.”

“Well, he’s a good guy,” he said. “And he’s also coming tonight. I’d love to introduce you.”

“Oh, sure. I mean, I live in New York, though, so…”

“He lives in New York as well. In fact, he just bought a place on the Upper East Side.”

“Oh wow. Fancy. I’m surprised a rock star would want to live there.”

“He heard it was the place to live,” Barry said. “I give him a year, tops. Then he’ll be down in Greenwich Village or something.”

“Oh.” I laughed.

“Actually”—Barry’s eyes widened as he looked across the room—“he’s just arrived. One moment, I’ll go and get him.”

“Oh, okay,” I said, patting my hair and swallowing hard. I watched as Barry walked over to the other side of the room, and I could feel Travis’s eyes on me.

“What the hell are you playing at, Molly?”

“What?” I said, squeaking.

“Why did you say I want to meet some random wannabe actress, and why are you interested in meeting some wannabe rock star?”