Page 105 of Mr. Not Quite Perfect

“Yeah,” I said, nodding. “I mean, I didn’t really want to get my period on this trip, but I’m glad I’m not pregnant.”

“Yeah,” Poppy said. “You should be very, very glad you’re not pregnant. Who wants to get pregnant for their boss that they just started working with and that they’ve only slept with a couple of times and they’re not in a relationship with?”

“I know. It wouldn’t have been ideal, but you know I love kids and…”

“You want to be married when you have kids. You’ve always said that.”

“Girl, I’m open,” I said, shrugging as we made our way to the elevator.

“What do you mean you’re open?” She looked at me through narrowed eyes.

“I mean, if I get pregnant and I’m not married, I’m still going to have the baby, and I’m still going to love it and look after it and…”

Poppy let out a deep sigh. “It sounds a lot easier than it is to be a single mom. You know that, right?”

“I know, but you said you’d help, and I can get a nanny, and…”

“With what money are you getting a nanny, Molly?” Her voice rose lightly.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you haven’t even got your first paycheck yet. Already it’ll be used to pay a deposit, pay the first month’s rent on a new apartment, buy you some new clothes, and pay off your credit card debt. Now it’s also paying for a nanny? I’m telling you, girl, five thousand dollars doesn’t stretch that far.”

I started laughing then. “You forget one thing.”

“What?” she asks.

“You forget it’s also supposed to cover the thousand dollars I spent on this dress today.”

“Oh yeah.” She giggled. “Oh, we’re hot messes, aren’t we?” She wrinkled her nose. “We really should not have spent so much money on dresses when we’re both broke asses.”

“Hey, I’m not a broke ass. I mean, technically I am, but soon I won’t be. Once I get…”

“Your first paycheck,” Poppy said, rolling her eyes. “I know. I can’t wait for you to finally get it.”

“I know,” I said. “I’m going to feel so rich. I’m going to be like, ‘Hey, madam, give me one of the Chanel handbags and that Louis Vuitton suitcase and how about a Prada purse? And…”

“Girl, you ain’t got money for all that,” Poppy said, shaking her head. “You need to win the lottery.”

“Or marry rich,” I said.

“Yeah,” she said. “You could always marry Travis Covington.”

“I’m not going to marry Travis.” I glared at her. “Especially not just because he’s rich.”

“I mean you’ll marry him for the good sex,” she said, grinning. “The rich part is just a perk.”

“True,” I said, laughing as we exited the elevator and walked into the lobby.

I looked around and saw Travis and Dominic standing there with Pascal, her friend, and another gentleman. Travis looked up as soon as we exited the elevator, and his eyes met mine. I saw him giving me the once-over and smiling to himself. I felt pleased inside to know that he appreciated the effort I’d gone to. However, I didn’t want to rush over to him and ask what he thought about my dress and my makeup because one, I didn’t want to act like I needed his validation. And two, I didn’t want anyone else thinking that I was trying to please him. We walked over to the group slowly.

“Good evening, Mr. Covington,” I said in my most polite fashion.

“Good evening, Ms. Malone,” Travis said, nodding. “And hello, Poppy.”

“Hey, Travis. Hey, Dominic.”

Dominic looked her over. “Damn, girl. You look fine,” he said, and I tried not to roll my eyes. He really was the most annoying guy I’d ever met.