“Why would Travis be worried?” I said, questioning.

“Because the woman throwing the party is someone he dated last year, and they broke up because of her best friend.”

I looked over at Travis, who was shaking his head. “That sounds far worse than it is.”

“Uh-huh,” I said, glancing at him. “I don’t think I want to know this story.”

“I don’t think you do,” Dominic said. “But I would love to tell you.”

“Dominic, really?” Travis glared at him.

“What? It’s not that bad. I mean, it’s not as bad as when Parker went to Tijuana with his fiancée and then fucked some chick at the back of a bar, only to find out that it was his fiancée’s sister.” Dominic laughed. “Well, that was something. That was scandalous.”

“Yeah, that sounds absolutely awful. How did he not know he was hooking up with his fiancée’s sister?”

“Oh, well, that’s the worst or rather the best part of it. So daytime soap,” Dominic said.

“What happened was…”

He looked at Travis, who was frowning. “I mean, I don’t have to finish the story if you don’t want me to, Travis.”

“I don’t care.” Travis shrugged. “Finish the story, but then we need to get to work.”

“What happened?” I asked.

“Basically, Parker and his fiancée went to Tijuana because she found out that her father was cheating on her mother with a Mexican lady. Well, she found out that he was in Mexico because he flew the private plane there. She got the flight logs and told Parker, ‘Let’s go and investigate.’ So they go to a bar. I don’t know how they chose the bar, but they go to this bar and they get drunk on tequila, because who doesn’t love tequila? And she’s gone on the phone talking to her mother about something. And some hot chick starts flirting with Parker. Well, Parker can barely keep it in his pants on the best of days. He goes to the back of the bar, and they have it off. I don’t even think it lasted five minutes, or maybe he couldn’t get it up for five minutes. I forget exactly. Anyway, she’s bouncing up and down on his dick.”

He looked at Travis. He was frowning. “Sorry. Cock or penis or whatever’s most polite to say in front of a lady.”

“It’s fine,” I said, smiling.

“Well anyway, this chick is bouncing up and down on his cock, and his fiancée comes in, and she starts screaming, and he is like, ‘Oh my gosh, honey, I didn’t know what was happening. I was drunk. And this lady started taking advantage of me.’ And then the girl jumps off, and she was like, ‘Is that you, Sue Ellen?’”

“I don’t think her name was Sue Ellen,” Travis interrupted.

“Well, it sounds like her name would be Sue Ellen.” Dominic started laughing. “I don’t know the names all that well. It’s not like I actually know every person intimately. Anyway, the chick that he was banging at the back of the bar jumps up and is like, ‘Is that you, Sue Ellen?’ And Sue Ellen was like, ‘How do youknow my name? Did my fiancé just tell you as he was cheating on me?’”

Dominic was really getting into it, and I was trying not to laugh even though the story sounded absolutely horrific.

“And then the girl runs over to her, and she’s like, ‘Chica, chica. Oh my gosh, you’re my sister.’”

He had an accent now, and I giggled slightly. “What? That sounds crazy.”

“Well, anyway, the chick he was banging who turned out to be Sue Ellen’s sister takes her to a room upstairs in the bar, and her dad is there with the mistress. Turned out, he’d been cheating on the mom for what, like thirty years or something.”

“I think it was thirty-five.” Travis nodded. “And yes, it was a scandal and ridiculous. I don’t even know how the story came up.”

Dominic laughed. “Me either, but poor Parker.”

“So what ended up happening?” I asked, curious about Parker, Sue Ellen, and everyone else involved in this very daytime TV soap opera drama.

“Well, you’re not going to believe it,” Dominic said. “Parker is such a lucky asshole.”

“What happened?”

“He convinced Sue Ellen to be in a sister-wife situation with him.”

“What?” My jaw dropped.