“What is this movie about?”Travis whispered in my ear as we lay in bed watching a movie on Netflix.

“I’m not quite sure yet,” I said, shrugging and laughing, trying to ignore the feel of his warm body next to mine. I was wearing one of Travis’s T-shirts with no bra and my panties, and he was wearing a pair of briefs. He was curled up next to me, and I was pretty confident that he wasn’t watching the screen as much as he was watching my face. It made me feel slightly weirded out to know that he was studying my features so much, but it also made me feel special, like he was trying to commit them to memory.

“Are you even watching this, Travis?” I said, looking at him.

“Not really.”

“Travis, you said…”

“I said we’d watch a movie and not make love. And we’re not making love, are we?”

“Yeah, but you’re not really watching the movie.”

“I mean, when you chose a movie calledThe First Time They Kissedin a foreign language, you lost me,” he said.

“But you said you would watch it.”

“I said it was okay if you wanted to watch it. I really don’t want to watch it.”

I sighed, pressed pause on the TV, and then rolled over to look at him. “Travis Covington, you said we’d watch a movie and…”

“Maybe I want to watch you instead,” he said, staring at my face.

“Well, you can’t. I’m not a movie.”

“You could be in movies,” he said, reaching over and touching my nose lightly. “You’ve got the cutest little freckles across your cheeks. You know that, right?”

“I hate my freckles,” I said, laughing. “I try to use foundation to cover them up.”

“But why? They’re so cute.”

“I don’t want to be cute. I want to be beautiful.”

“But you are beautiful, Molly. You don’t seriously doubt that, do you?” He looked at me in surprise.

I bit down on my lower lip. “Thank you. That’s really sweet of you to say. I mean, I know I’m not the ugliest woman in the world, but I know I’m not a Victoria’s Secret model.”

“You’re so much better than a Victoria’s Secret model.”

“And I’m not an exotic beauty like Poppy.”

“True. You’re not like Poppy, but that doesn’t mean you’re not beautiful.”

“So you do think she’s beautiful,” I said, poking him in the chest.

“She’s your best friend, and yeah, she’s gorgeous.” He shrugged. “I mean, I think most men would think so.”

“I know. What sucks is that she’s also the nicest and funniest person I know, so she’s practically perfect.” I laughed then.

“And she’s single?” he said, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, she is.”

“So then why is she single?”

“Because she’s completely oblivious to men. She spent most of her life studying and focusing on that, and she doesn’t really know how to flirt. And she had some bad relationships that scarred her, and well, I’m just hoping that Mr. Perfect comes along soon because she deserves to meet Mr. Right.”

“Okay. Well, I hope Mr. Right comes along soon for her as well. So,” he said, pressing his fingers on my lips.