I pressed send again, and my phone started ringing. It was Travis. I bit down on my lower lip and answered the phone.

“Hello?” I sang into the phone.

“Molly,” he said, his voice deep.

“Yes, this is Molly.”

“Stop lying.” He chuckled.

“Excuse me?” I was indignant now.

“We both know you haven’t had better dick than me, and you probably never will.”

“What? What?” I said, stumbling over my words. “You can’t say that. You don’t know.”

“Trust me. I know. The way your fingers dug into my back, the way you were screaming, the way you clung to me.” He laughed. “Trust me, the orgasms I gave you were felt around the world.”

“You’re so full of yourself,” I said.

He started laughing. “So tonight when you play with yourself and you think of me, just know that I know exactly what you’re doing, and I don’t judge you.”

“Whatever, Travis Covington. I’m hanging up now.”

“Sweet dreams, Molly Malone, and hopefully, you give yourself half theOI gave you.”

And with that, he hung up. I glared at the phone. He’d hung up before I’d gotten a chance to respond. What an asshole. I couldn’t believe he was so full of himself, and yeah, he was true. I’d never had an orgasm like he’d given me before in my life. And maybe I would never have an orgasm like that again. I didn’t know what the future held. I wasn’t a fortune teller. I wasn’t psychic. But the fact he was so cocky and full of himself, well, that infuriated me even more. And I couldn’t believe I would be working for the man in the same office in just a week. I knew that if I saw him, I’d ignore him because he was the most exasperating man I’d ever met.

Chapter 7

It feltlike my first day of school, and I was off to a bad start. A very bad start. At twenty-seven years of age, I should have known how to properly set an alarm clock on my phone, but I had somehow selected p.m. instead of a.m. And now, here I was, standing in my bathroom, brushing my teeth while flat ironing my hair, and I was supposed to start my first day of work in fifteen minutes. It also didn’t help that I was majorly underqualified for the role and had the hots for my boss—the CEO of the company. Yeah, I didn’t like my odds of still having a job at the end of the week, either.

My ringing phone made me groan, but when I saw it was my best friend Poppy, I knew I had to answer. It was four o’clock in the morning in California, so she must have woken up early just to support me. Which was a big deal because Poppy was not an early riser. I put my toothbrush down to answer the phone.

“Hey, sexy bitch, how’s Mr. Hottie?” Poppy sounded far too peppy for someone who’d just woken up.

“I have no idea. I’m still at home,” I mumbled as I spat out my toothpaste into the sink. “And before you ask, my alarm didn’t go off.”

“Oh shit, Molly…” Poppy sounded nervous. “Aren’t you supposed to be at work at eight o’clock?”

“Uh, yes.”

“And isn’t it seven fifty right now in New York?”

“Yes, which means it’s four fifty in San Francisco, so why are you calling me?”

“I wanted to wish you an amazing first day at work.” Poppy yawned slightly. “And also I wanted to make sure you knew what you were doing.”

“Why wouldn’t I know what I was doing?”

“Well, you just took a job at a brokerage when you don’t know a thing about money or investing…” Her voice trailed off. “And you know the other reason.”

“What other reason?” I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Did I have time to apply a full face of makeup? Nope. I didn’t even have time for mascara, and I never left the house without mascara. I sighed as I looked at my Snoopy dog clock hanging on the wall. I was late anyway, so I might as well look the best that I could.

“Molly Malone, what other reason?” Poppy’s voice was dramatic, and I rolled my eyes at her face on my screen. “We both know what other reason…Mr. Have You Ever Had An Orgasm As Good As This?”

“Shh!” I said quickly, blushing, trying to forget the night she was talking about. “The walls have ears.”

“Don’t you live in a studio apartment?”