Page 30 of Firewalker

They all stopped laughing.

Gavin’s expression went deadpan again. “Because everyone in town knows that, as irritating as Greer is, there isn’t a person in town he wouldn’t risk his life for and, in fact, has.”

Alanna stared at him doubtfully. “He has?”

“He has. I’m actually one of them.”

Dammit.Alanna raised her eyes up heavenward.Did I not ask You not to let me make a fool of myself? So far, You’re failing massively.Criticizing God might not be the smart way to go, but how much worse could it be? She had probably alienated half of the Colemans with her behavior.

“I just can’t understand his fascination with food.”

“Probably because he didn’t have much when he was a kid.” Matthew raised Freddy to sit on top of his knees and started pretending to buck him off as he talked. “Silas told us. Greer and Silas are the same age. They were even in school together. He said Greer’s family only had food to eat from their mother’s garden and what meat they raised. They would practically starve in the winter when their canned food ran out. Greer’s father made what money they had by moonshining, which wasn’t much because most of what he made, he drank. His mother would take a beating if she got caught taking charity from any of the townspeople. Silas said the first new shoes Greer had ever gotten, he had stolen from him.”

Each word Matthew said just hammered another nail in her coffin.

“Greer stole Silas’ shoes?” Alanna’s hopes began to rise. Greer stealing Silas’ shoes showed he wasn’t nice, didn’t it? “He shouldn’t have stolen from Silas.”

Matthew gave her a rueful look. “Silas had been bullying Greer. It was payback.”

“Probably self-preservation,” she muttered. She didn’t believe Silas was bullying Greer without a just cause.

Ginny and Gavin nodded, agreeing with her.

“We think that’s why Greer did it, too.”

She had meant Silas probably had bullied Greer out of self-preservation, but she had made enough bad impressions for the day. Ginny and Gavin might have assumed that was what she meant, but from Matthew’s expression, he knew exactly who she was talking about.

Alanna cleared her throat. “Can we just start over?” Looking around the spick-and-span kitchen, she then gazed questioningly at Ginny. “What chores are you needing done?”

Ginny turned red. “I’m hoping you don’t consider it a chore. What would be a lifesaver for me is at twelve, you two you couldstop by and babysit Freddy for me while I take a nap? That’s the time of day I get the sleepiest, and I won’t have to ask Gavin to stop what he’s doing to come back to the house.”

Alanna’s jaw dropped. Snapping it back, she saw they had taken her shocked reaction the wrong way.

She hastily explained, “I wouldn’t consider babysitting Freddy a chore. I would love to babysit Freddy. I don’t even need to be paid.” She grinned at them. “I would pay you to be able to.”

Ginny’s face broke into a beautiful smile, which reminded her of Freddy. “I wouldn’t go that far if I were you. Even though I am his mother, I think he’s really easy to watch. He’s been a perfect angel since we’ve had him.”

“I can start today.”

Ginny shook her head, bursting Alanna’s bubble of happiness. “Gavin’s off the next two days, and he called dibs on Saturday. Sunday is Silas’ day; he devotes the whole day to Freddy.”

Matthew rose, lifting Freddy into his arms. “If you had said something, Isaac and I would have taken turns coming by at that time.”

Ginny made a face at him. “Which is why I didn’t say anything. You’re having trouble filling your orders now, without me taking part of your day. Besides, it was Silas’ idea to hire someone who can make it easier on all of us. That way, I don’t feel so guilty for hiring someone just for a couple of hours a day.”

“I wouldn’t have been hired either. I would still be in jail if Silas hadn’t been looking to hire someone.” Alanna came from behind the kitchen counter to where Matthew was standing.

“May I?” Holding her arms to Freddy, she lifted the toddler out of Matthew’s hold at his nod. Settling Freddy on her hip, she felt the first peace of mind she had felt all day. “Anytime you feel like you need a break, I wouldn’t mind watching him. Mr. Coleman said you weren’t feeling well this morning.”

Ginny grimaced. “I’ve been having a terrible time with morning sickness.”

“I could come over here after going to Silas’ house and doing the chores he needs done there, get Freddy up, dressed, and feed him breakfast. By then, your morning sickness will be better.”

Neither Gavin nor Ginny seemed opposed to the idea.

“How about the mornings I’m not feeling well, I’ll text you. I prefer being here myself to take care of Ginny, but I’ve been going out on jobs with Matthew and Isaac. That way, those days I’m scheduled to go with them, I don’t have to call out to them.”

Alanna smiled at the couple. “Works for me.”