Page 87 of Firewalker

“We should be going.” Matthew gave her a broad grin then looked toward the sky. A brewing storm cloud was moving closer.

Telling the Porters good evening and promising to return tomorrow, they hurried to the truck, wanting to get the baby inside before it started raining.

Heading back to the Coleman’s side of the mountain, Alanna turned to stare at Matthew’s profile as he drove, thinking about how much she loved him and the family who she had grown to adore. She had the family she never dreamed was possible.

She turned her head on the headrest. “Let’s stop by Silas’ before going home.”

“Alanna, you should be in bed, resting.”

“I want to check in with Silas. I know how close he and Greer are. We won’t stay long.”

Matthew made the turn into the long driveway, and as they pulled in, they saw Ezra sitting in the grass, staring up at the darkening sky. It had become a familiar sight over the eleven months since she had lived here.

She waited for Matthew to open her door and help her down. Then, standing by the front of the truck, she looked up at the clouds, which were growing darker by the minute.

She heard Matthew coming to her side after getting Greer out of the truck.

“I used to hate clouds when I saw them in the sky. I felt as if they had it out for me, just waiting to weather one storm after another alone.”

Matthew hooked an arm around her shoulders. “You don’t feel that way anymore?”

“No. I have you andourfamily to weather any storm with me.” She moved her eyes to Ezra, who had been sitting out, watching the stars more often. Also, every time she came across the brothers lately, they would talk in hushed tones. Something was coming, and they were preparing for it.

She worried it concerned Kate, who had convinced the authorities that she wasn’t involved in Elizabeth and Owen’s plans then promptly disappeared.

Alanna gave an internal sigh. She didn’t know if Kate was the looming threat Ezra was watching for, but what she did know was that you couldn’t predict a lightning strike. You could only make sure you were not out in the open. The Coleman brothers provided that shield. They had the courage to take the storm, knowing the sun would come out again.

How could they not win?she thought, staring at her husband with his love for her shining in his eyes. They had the sun as their secret weapon.

“I remember the best advice I’ve ever been given. When I look up at the clouds, I say two little words.”

“What words?” Matthew gave her a curious smile.

“Fuck ’em.”


Mother stepped out onto her private balcony to read the stars. They were growing dimmer with each millennium that passed. The faith that was all the gods’ lifeblood was becoming extinct. The heavens depended on the mortals’ devotion, just as much as the mortals needed the gods’ favor.

The heavens and the mortal world had come to a crossroad. One wrong turn, and a darkness never known before would envelope both worlds, bringing an end to both.

Gazing at the mortal world, Mother refused to shed the tears stinging her eyes. He knew the cost he would have to pay, yet he had healed that which wasn’t meant to be healed. Through his interference, a life had been created, a life which had not been meant to be.

She stayed her hand from removing his gift, yet his punishment was not done. He must learn his lesson and learn it well. The female child needed his guidance. She must learn the cost of her gift, and only he could teach her the gravity of the decisions she would have to make one day. Even then, Mother didn’t know if it would be enough to prepare her.

Pinpointing the star she was looking for, she finally allowed herself to shed the tears she had been holding at bay.

Truth be told, she would never admit it, but she wasn’t as angry at him as she should be … Had it been anyone else, his mortal days would be over, and he would be trying to appease her anger in person.


Mother dried her tears. The brief storm over. He must learn his lesson. She couldn’t have him upending her plans for her warriors.

Veering her gaze slightly to the stars that represented her warriors, she examined the sky like a chessboard as she placed her emotions aside and resumed planning her next move.

What to do …? What to do …?Mother mused.Aha.

A knight is always ready to jump into the fray …