Page 73 of Firewalker

“You may have just convinced me to marry you. If we’re this good the first time”—she gave a shaky laugh—“it’s only going to get better, right?”

Matthew relaxed his damp body on hers.

“Do they make fireproof mattresses?” he asked when he could get his vocal cords to work.

“I’m sure. Why?”

“We’re going to need one.”

Chapter Twenty-Six

Alanna was practically skipping. After spending the rest of the night with Matthew in his bed, she had managed to drag her sore body out at the crack of dawn. They had walked back to her trailer, where she had showered and changed into jeans and the gray and black flannel shirt Matthew had given her the day they had splashed water onto each other.

After eating bowls of cereal, they walked together to his shop, holding hands.

“Isaac and I are helping Jody and Jacob set up a new gate a few miles from here, but I’ll be back before Diamond gets here,” he promised.

“You don’t have to rush. I don’t want you hurrying the job. I’ll be fine—”

“Iwantto be here,” he insisted. “I just don’t want you getting anxious about what she has to say. Whatever it is, good or bad, we’ll deal with it.”

“I’m glad you’re confident, because I’m not.” Nervous, her stomach was rolling just thinking of the upcoming meeting.

“Don’t be nervous.” Taking her hands, he warmed them between his. Alanna leaned into his warmth.

“That’s easier said than done.” Forcing a smile to her lips, she gave him a quick kiss before pulling away at hearing footsteps crunching over branches. Turning, she saw Isaac coming from his place.

“You ready?” Isaac’s voice traveled over.

“I better be getting to work.” Flushing, she hurried away, embarrassed when she saw Isaac staring at the red mark she had accidently left on Matthew’s neck.

At Silas’ house, she quickly started the pork chop Crock-Pot meal Silas wanted. Unloading the dishwasher didn’t take long. Neither did making a fresh pot of coffee after pouring herself one. She normally didn’t drink coffee, but she hadn’t slept much last night and could use the extra boost.

After spending the rest of the morning doing chores at Matthew’s brothers’ places, she made a brief stop at her place to take a couple of steaks out of the freezer. Matthew had promised her that they could grill them on the firepit tonight, joking that he would call and make sure Greer was working before starting the fire.

Ginny had lunch ready for them when she arrived at her place. After they ate the chicken salad, Ginny left her to take a quick nap. Gavin, Freddy, and Ginny were going to an Easter party at one of The Last Riders’ member’s houses. Easter wasn’t until Sunday, but they were having a party tonight so the children could have an egg decorating contest.

She watched the clock, and about half an hour before Ginny was supposed to wake, Alanna gave Freddy a bath and changed him.

“You are so adorable,” she crooned, picking him up. She was packing him out the bathroom when Ginny came out her bedroom. It took her a minute to realize she had dressed him in his Easter suit already.

She carried Freddy out to Ginny’s car for her, watching as they drove away. She checked the cell phone Silas had loaned her and headed back to his house. She should make it just before Mrs. Bates arrived.

She was relieved to see there were no cars in Silas’ driveway, meaning she had made it in time.

As she was going up the side steps to Silas’ home, Matthew and Isaac pulled in.

Grinning, Matthew hopped out of the car. “I told you I’d make it in time.”

“I knew you would,” she assured him, as he and Isaac came up the steps.

Matthew opened the door for her to go inside.

“Anyone want a cup of coffee?” Silas asked as he came down the stairs.

“No, thanks.”

“I do,” Isaac said. “I can get it if you want one.” He headed toward the kitchen.