Page 17 of Firewalker

Indulging herself with make-believe fantasies about what it must have been like to grow up in the large home, she was startled out of her imaginings by the opening of the truck door.

“I think I solved the mystery of why none of your family wants to leave this place,” she said, getting out.

Silas tensed as she got out of the truck. Hastily, she moved away, reasoning he shared the same dislike of people being in his personal space.

“Why’s that?” he asked, watching her move away.

“This place is beautiful. It looks like a television set in a Hallmark movie.”

Silas made a wry face. “Not hardly. It won’t take long before that illusion is dispelled. Matthew and Isaac work in a building not far from here. They have been known to swear a blue streak when one of their creations doesn’t turn out.”


“They do metal work,” he explained. “Stop by anytime. Matthew and Isaac love to show off their skills.”

Alanna didn’t respond to the invitation. The best part of the job Silas was giving her was the ability to work on her own. It had been her main motive to become a realtor. Other than showing homes, much of the work was done over the phone or in her office at the realty firm. Other than noncommittal greetings and group meetings, the majority of her time had been spent alone.

“Let me show you where you’ll be living.”

She expected him to continue toward the large house, but he took off to the side. Surprised, she followed him, walking over two small rises.

Where were they going? She had never been good at being out of her comfort zone. Keeping her life on an even kneel had been paramount to her after a childhood filled with upheavals. She had managed to do that until Elizabeth disappeared and she found herself in Treepoint. All she wanted was to get back to the normal life she had made for herself.

“Matthew and Isaac’s work building.” Silas pointed out as they passed a lone structure set to the side. It was the size of a small house.

The trees surrounding them grew denser. Becoming wary when they started through a corpse of trees, Alanna prepared herself to take off running if Silas made any sudden moves toward her. Her imagination was starting to get the better of her, seeing how secluded the Coleman’s property was from town and neighboring homes.

“Almost there. Sorry about the walk, but I thought you would appreciate the privacy …”

“After being locked up in jail?” she finished for him.

Silas gave her an amused look. “To escape being surrounding by family.”

Blushing, Alanna gave him an embarrassed look. “Sorry. I was being oversensitive.”

“I would be, too,” he excused her, “if I was locked up for something I didn’t do.”

Alanna looked at him questioningly. “How do you know I’m innocent? You’ve only talked to me for, like, fifteen minutes total.”

“Other than being a great judge of character, I know you’re innocent because Diamond Bates wouldn’t represent you otherwise.”

At his explanation, she felt as if a tiny weight had been taken off her injured pride.

“Thank you,” she said. “I appreciate you giving me a chance while I get everything straightened out with the authorities.”

“Don’t thank me yet.”

Ever since she had stepped out of the truck, an eerie feeling had overtaken her, as if something or someone was aware she was there. She glanced toward Silas as he talked; fear assailed her at his serious expression. Tensing, she prepared to run if he so much as …

“I should have asked you this before you took my job offer,” he continued. “There’s a part of the job that you might not want to do that only a woman can.”

Alanna swallowed the lump of fear in her throat. “What?” she asked, expecting the worst.

“Have you ever milked a goat?”

Chapter Six

“No.” Breaking into relieved laughter, Alanna started walking again. “But I’m game. I like animals.”