Page 35 of Sinfully Loved

"Actually, I am a fan of civilization, after all."

With a sigh, I shook my head. This discussion could continue endlessly, but it would only lead to further frustration.

"Can I feed Gattina?"

"She's already eaten."

"And how come I never get to see that?"

"We're not in a freaking zoo here with feeding times, tricks, and half-hour excursions on wildlife."

I squeezed my eyes shut. Sometimes this man could be mean. Mean and as affable as an eighty-year-old curmudgeon who had eaten cynicism with a spoon.

"You could be kind to me for once, you know?" I replied. "But okay, if you want to keep sitting around in your office."

I quickly looked over his shoulder into the darkened room, which was dominated by a desk. In one corner there was a TV and on the paused screen wasCall of Duty. Amused, I raised an eyebrow.

So that's what Vincenzo was doing all this time? Was he shooting people in an online multiplayer game?

"You could have at least invited me to a game," I said before turning away and leaving him alone again. This man was simply unmanageable!

* * *

"Don't say anything. He called you because he's too lazy to deal with me," I mumbled as I opened the door for Fiero.

He seemed in a good mood even though he had been demoted to my babysitter again. My companion.

"Actually, no. Emilio has confirmed the plans regarding the party and would like you to meet Carlotta in Naples so you can shop for a suitable outfit."

"Does he know about it?"

"About the party? Yes. Of me being here to pick you up? No."

I glanced over my shoulder at the closed door and shrugged. He wasn't interested in me anyway, so I might as well accompany Fiero.

Besides, he hadn't told me about the planned party, so I guess it was time to squeeze Fiero a little.

After I picked up my phone and bag, Fiero walked me to his car and even opened the passenger door before closing it behind me and getting in himself.

"What kind of party is this?"

"The party where you have to convince your father that Vince really did take you as his wife." He shook his head, and I was sure I saw disgust on his face.

So it had been a good idea lure him out of his reserve yesterday. After all, it would go to me next time without hesitation. Grab Vincenzo by the shirt, pull him to me and kiss him. It wasn't that difficult. At least not if he didn't act like one of those old marble statues.

"That would be why he hasn't mentioned it before."

"Emilio insists on it. However, it will not occur at his villa but at my parents' house."

"Are his parents coming too?"

"If they find out about it that could happen, yes."

"Wonderful. Can't wait to meet these great people."

Fiero snorted but immediately stifled his reaction when he remembered whom he was laughing at.

"It's all half-assed. You just put on a convincing show, and you're practically free at the end of the evening. I'm sure Carlotta will dress you up to make an extra impression."