Page 59 of Daddy's Angel

“One out of two ain’t bad,” The hitman says.

Just like in a horror movie, Juliana’s head turns to the side. The hatred, the hurt, everything in her eyes promises hell in a way that would make Satan himself tremble. An angel forged from vengeance. She’s awe-inspiring.

“You stupid, selfish son of abitch,” She screams before sprinting to him.

Luckily I’m faster. I manage to get an arm around her waist and pull her back. She still manages to kick him in the head, making his neck jerk at a hard angle. Nolan goes for his ankle, tearing his suit and drawing blood. Charlie barks.

It’s total chaos.

And the chaos only gets worse when the police arrive. I didn’t dare contact Gio with a gunman staring us down. I went straight to 911. Police take care of the unconscious trash on the ground and take our stories.

Charlie and Nolan manage to calm down enough to deal with that. But it’s an hour of talking and I can tell Juliana is over it. I get her outside as soon as she’s done and she gulps in the air while shaking.

“This is wrong. All wrong. I can’t .... Kon, tell me that this isn’t happening. Tell me that this is a nightmare and I’m not ...” She keeps choking on the words.

I hug her. I’m not sure what else I can do. She dissolves in my arms, only standing because she’s clinging to my shirt. I kiss her temple. “You are okay, Juliana.”

“I am theoppositeof okay.” She sobs.

Of course, that’s when Hunter Volkov and Valerie show up. Valerie gets an extra hop in her step, then pulls Juliana from my arms. “Come sit with me, honey.”

Juliana doesn’t resist. She just goes. Hunter looks from me to the police. “Really? Police?”

“Open and shut. No Volkov involvement,” I say.

But Lief crosses his arms over the top of the car, watching me. My blood goes icy. I stand by my decision all the same. “Involving the family would only raise more questions.”

Max and Gio come out. Bickering, as expected. Hunter turns to look at them.

“I don’t need a doctor. I can handle a scratch.” Max grunts. “Where’s our girlfriend?”

“Coping. And she’ll do a whole lot better if you get the all-clear from the very nice paramedics waiting for you.” Gio points at the ambulance. “So go.”

“Listen here, you don’t give me orders, kid.”

“Do it for Juliana.” Gio puts his foot down. “Unless you want her having a total breakdown.”

Max grumbles but walks over. Gio joins us. “Okay, plan?”

“There isn’t one for this,” I admit. “Juliana can go back to her penthouse. I’m sure the window is fixed by now, but ...”

“Give her some time with Valerie,” Hunter advises gently. “She can help with this like no one else.”

I trust him, but my eyes keep going to where Valerie is talking to Juliana. Hunter goes to talk to Lief and Gio nudges me. “You’re staring.”

“It could have been her, Gio. I’m glad it wasn’t, but it could have been.”

“Not with your reflexes. You were right there, Kon. You had her blocked,” Gio assures me, patting my shoulder gently. “We kept her safe, just like we were meant to do.”

“It doesn’t have a thing to do with the job. It was just ... it was too close.”

I feel that urge to lock her away sneaking up on me. She was safe with us. She was. Nothing bad happened to her when we were all there and the second she was alone ... I take a slow breath. “I think I understand her father a bit.”

“Not a great thing to say around her,” Gio says.

“That’s why I’m saying it to you.” I point at him. “He wanted to keep her safe at any cost. Sure, I can’t forgive the man for beating her, but he didn’t want to lose her like he lost his wife.”

“Slippery slope, Kon,” Gio warns.