Page 13 of Daddy's Angel

“I haven’t hidden that.”

“Affection isn’t always for the world to know, Konstantin. We’ll take care of this and update you. Go back to the girl. Two people should be at the safe house.”

“Can I request that her address is not given to anyone else? Gio and Max are trustworthy, but anyone else, including her father, need to be kept in the dark.”

“No worries there.” Valerie says before nodding to me and heading back to Chase.

I return to the safe house and see Gio working on something while Juliana types away on the computer. She notices me and flashes a smile. “I have done a quiet purchase of a building – under my mother’s maiden name. A place for the business.”

“I’m proud of you.” I pat her head, then have to give her dogs some attention. I can’tnotpet them when they’re so happy to see me? I adore them. “Have you two helped?”

“They haven’t left my side once.” Juliana reports.

I want to kiss her when she gives me that warm smile, but Gio is here, and even if his eyes are focused on the screen, I’m sure he’s paying close attention. Juliana sets her computer to the side and stands awkwardly in front of me.


“I gave them the list. They’re looking to see what they have on the names now. It’s all I can do at the moment when it comes to the mafia. Max is going to work on the business side of the person in question.”

“And it would be silly for me to just go and talk to the man himself right? To just barge into his office, or to put it out on the media that he’s put a hit on me because he failed at his attempt at insurance fraud? I mean, even if it wasn’t fraud – not paying out is way different from murder.”

“Let’s be patient.” Gio instructs.

“How patient? Until he hurts me.”

“Not what I said. Let him destroy himself. I’m helping with that. I sent an email through a strong VPN from a source that won’t trace back to me. Something cryptic that will heighten his paranoia.”

“And what?” Juliana demands.

Gio stands and calmly approaches. He doesn’t touch her, as we agreed upon, but I can tell how much he wants to. We exchange a look and I nod. She needs more than words right now. We both know that.

Gio pulls her into his arms and lowers his voice. “We let him dig his own hole. It’s not doing nothing, it’s assuring we can use our time for better things, like the business you’re starting.”

She grumbles, but gives in to his hug. When he releases her, she’s obviously calmed. “I just want this done as soon as possible.”

“That’s what all of us are working for, you included, Juls.” I say calmly. “You being here and not letting this get to you is important. Surviving a hit can still destroy a person and they’ll win. Don’t let them win.”

Juliana hesitantly touches my chest and nods. “I don’t just want to be a damsel in distress.”

“You’re not.” I assure. “Keep working.”

She hesitates and I gently kiss the top of her head.

“Just kiss her. God, I could cut the tension in here with a knife.” Gio grumbles.

I kiss Juliana softly, gently rubbing her jaw. “We’re going to need your help soon. You’ll have plenty of work, but please don’t stop being you.”

She signs and nods. Gio ends up having to leave to take care of something with Max and to ‘update Sharon’ as he says sarcastically.

“Better you do it. She likes you.” Juliana huffs.

Gio chuckles. “Areyougetting jealous?”

“I know it’s not fair, but yes. I don’t like how she drools over you.”

“Someone should, since you don’t drool.”

“You don’t know what I do when you’re not looking.” Juliana sasses.