Page 47 of Daddy's Angel

I head to the guest room and attempt to get some sleep. Even an hour will help after the broken sleep of last night. I’d been counting the ways it could go wrong. I’d been afraid that this would go sideways and I’d end up like my father. Dying uselessly and losing the person most important to me.

But now that Juliana is safe – for now at least – I might be able to get some sleep.

I cross my fingers, then flop into bed. I’m out in seconds.

I wake up to high-pitched barking and look around. I’ve drooled on the pillow and can’t remember even falling asleep. Groaning, I get up and find Konstantin and Juliana in better spirits on the couch. They give each other sly looks like teenagers that got away with being naughty.

“Your father is dense,” Max growls.

“You should know more than most.” She grumbles. “He didn’t want to listen.”

“He said ‘boys will be boys’ and assured me that you wouldn’t go public with what you know and neither would the women filing the reports.”

“An optimist in all the wrong ways,” I say.

“Enjoy your nap?” Juliana asks genuinely.

I nod. “I needed it.”

“Our plan fell through with that, so I’m not sure how to address John Booker. How did things go with the hitwoman?”

“Resolved.” Kon pats Juliana’s thigh. “Juliana bluffed better than any poker player I’ve seen.”

She lights up under the compliment. I smile and rub her shoulder. “I’m pretty sure that the woman won’t stop running until she hits Mexico.”

“That’s good.” Max sits in the recliner.

As soon as he stretches out, Juliana gets up and sits on his lap. She rubs his chest. “Do you need a nap too?”

“Possibly. I’m not as young as I once was.” He admits. “And I feel useless compared to your success.”

“You’re not useless, Max,” Juliana reassures him. “I’m sure that my father heard you, even if he brushed it off.”

“We can hope. I don’t know why your word isn’t good enough. You have a good head on your shoulders,” He says.

He’s not flirting which means something is definitely wrong.

I arch an eyebrow. “Anything else?”

“I let him know that we were going to try and make Monday, but there was no guarantee. I tried to help, doll.”

“Oh?” She waits for the rest.

“I told him that you had the right to mourn however you saw fit. That if you wanted to meet with him, you’d reach out, but that grief is personal. He might have said that you got in my head and reminded me that I have no business with you.”


“And I may have helpfully reminded him that you’re old enough to make your own choices in your personal life and otherwise.”

“Max.” She sighs.

“He had security walk me out.”

“Well, one mess solved, another started.” I shrug. “Seems normal if Uncle Tony’s involved.”

“We talked about that.” Juliana points at me. “No more of that.”

I smirk. “Sorry, babe. It’s a habit.”