Page 33 of Daddy's Angel

“Outside, on the other side of the fence.”

Juliana swallows. “We only found one leak.”

“A leak?” I stand up and shield Gio and Juliana from the sliding glass doors. Bullet proof or not, we don’t need anyone knowing what we’re talking about. “Explain.”

“Max found some kind of encryption or program on my computer.” She looks back to him for help.

“Tracking,” He says with a grunt. He shows us John Booker. He’s a plain man. Even his brown mustache is plain, just fits his face. I’ve never seen someone so shockingly average. “I assumed it was Sharon since she had access to the penthouse.”

“It could be a two person job,” I murmur. I clear my throat. “if you want to do something like a kidnapping or hit correctly, you make sure there are two people. One to get close, one to hang back and make sure tracks are covered or is there just in case things go wrong.”

“You shouldn’t know that.” Juliana taps my chest.

I shrug.

“So if Sharon saw us ....” Juliana refocuses. “While trying to set up some kind of sniper hit, then called her partner, John Booker, he would have made up some excuse for my dad to come over, get you fired, and let Sharon get close?”

“That’s right.”

“And take out what they thought was the biggest threat,” Max agrees. “Congrats on the muscles.”

“Thank you?” I guess.

“We’re going to have to find Sharon,” Gio says softly. “Pretend that we know who the person is and tell her that we need her help. That’s going to be the way to catch her I think.”

“Really?” Juliana takes a step back toward me. “That seems extreme, Gio. That’s giving up our location and ... well I guess she already has that.”

“We have a limit to the number of safe houses available.” I remind him.

Juliana turns to look at Max. “So?”

“I can take care of that. I’ll send her an email and I’ll speak to your father, asking about his business, bringing up complaints of harassment and telling him how it’s affecting the market.”

I arch an eyebrow at him. Max winks. “No one wants to work with someone who can’t keep it in their pants. Means they fold quickly and don’t have patience.”

I roll my eyes.

“So we have a plan. Tomorrow, we’ll contact Sharon through Gio and Kon. You’ll take care of my dad ... and I’m going to cross my fingers that I somehow get hospitalized from some intense flu to avoid my father,” Juliana says.

Gio draws her back to him and makes her meet his eyes. “You do not have to go.”

She lowers her voice. “You’ve seen why I do, Gio. The horse races ... just, you know he has ways.”

I see Gio kiss her, then his eyes flick to me. “From what I heard, at least one man here is willing to pull a gun on your father while naked and hard. I’m pretty sure that your father doesn’t have a chance against the three of us.”

“What don’t we know?” Max asks.

Juliana touches the scars on her back. I know that’s enough for me to put the pieces together. Her father put those scars on her. Max’s jaw clicks into place. “Funny thing about being a bodyguard – we can only let you out of our sight for a total of ... what would you say Gio?”

“Two and a half minutes.”

“Less.” I decide.

Juliana looks between us and I think her shoulders drop and she relaxes for the first time since Gio gave her the news. She exhales. “I like plans.”