
Conall woke with a start and a feeling of unease. Kenna was not beside him but then he remembered she had kissed him at first light and told him she wanted to get outside and explore around Dunslair. ‘Stay put,’ she had said. ‘You need to keep your strength up and get some sleep for you are having some very busy nights.’ She was a wicked one was Kenna and she was right, they had been falling into bed together relentlessly since their marriage and nights where they actually slept in their bed were few and far between. Not that he was complaining.

He set off to find her and on his way to fetch a horse from the stables he spotted Rory standing and looking down into the well as if he were far away.

‘How goes it this fine morning?’

Rory looked up. ‘Duncan and Murray have arrived with news and to congratulate you on your nuptials, didn’t want to wake you so they’ve gone off to haggle with Angus Muir about a horse he’s selling. ‘Tis a fine beast. He’ll be charging a high price.’

‘Has my mother come?’

‘No, and that is the news. Ilene’s bairn arrived a little early, born at Cailleach and doing well. Seems Murray has finally given Ilene that daughter she’s always longed for so your mother has her hands full. She expects you to go back to Dunslair with Duncan in a few days to meet your new niece and introduce your new bride.’

‘That’s wonderful news. Kenna will be so excited. But you don’t look too happy. Why the long face, Rory?’

‘Nothing. It’s nothing.’

Conall sighed. ‘It’s Monnine is what it is.’

‘Don’t be absurd, Conall and don’t carry on about things you don’t understand.’

‘Oh but I do. I see two people who care for each other and too stubborn to do anything about it and I understand that very well.’

‘Monnine wouldn’t look at me. I am too old for her.’

‘No older than that brute Blythe she was married to, and you are a good deal richer and a good deal more handsome.’

‘And you think that is all women want, Conall, wealth and good looks?

‘No I think they want kindness and decency and honesty and you have all those qualities and many more besides.’

‘I don’t think I’m what Monnine wants.’

‘Well, Rory, if you never ask you’ll never know, will you? You’ve spent these last weeks telling me what a fool I’ve been over Kenna, not acknowledging my feelings. It’s about time you take your own advice. But you are obviously in a foul mood so I’d best leave you to come to your senses, for I am off to find my wife. Lord, how wonderful it feels to say that word.’

Conall clapped a hand on Rory’s shoulder and rushed off.

Several minutes and a struggle with his conscience later, Rory set off for the castle gardens. Conall’s new found happiness had made him do some hard thinking and now his mind was made up. He’d watched the two of them these last few weeks, Conall and Kenna. When their eyes met it was as though they were the only two people in the world. He dearly wanted that for himself and he dearly wanted Monnine.

Rory found her standing in a tangle of bright green pea shoots, picking their pods and placing them in an apron, held up in front of her. She looked alarmed when he appeared but nevertheless, he ploughed on.

‘I’ve got something to say so you are to stand and listen.’

‘Are you angry with me?’

‘No, just listen. So, here it is.If my attentions make you afraid of me you can go and live at Cailleach and I’ll not trouble you again. You’ll be safe there.’

‘You want to send me away?’ she said in a tiny voice.

‘Of course not, but I’ll not force my company on you or take advantage of your need for protection to get what I want.’

‘I know you would not do that, Laird. It seems I think more highly of you than you do of yourself.’

‘And yet this morning...’

‘If people saw us together there would be talk.’

‘So let me court you properly, Monnine, out in the open.’