No, she could not talk about this. She would not re-live that humiliation with Meyrick. ‘It is getting late. I should go.’

‘Forgive me for mentioning it, Kenna.’ He grabbed her arm. ‘But I must warn you.’

She glanced down at his arm, and he let go of her.

‘This family, they are a nest of vipers. They believe themselves to be better than people like us, above all law and morality. Conall pretends he has honour, but he’s had every girl in this castle on her back, low and high born. He thinks their bodies belong to him, for his pleasure, his to take as the laird’s son.’

Kenna could only look at him in mute horror.

‘He will use you the same way. Mark my words, Kenna. For my plain speaking, I would beg your forgiveness.’

‘Meyrick, Conall is my friend. He saved me from the most awful marriage to a man I loathed, and he has kept me safe since then. I will not speak ill of him or hear anyone else do so.’

‘Are you infatuated with him? Do you love him?’

‘That is not for you to ask.’

‘Love Conall if you will, but he’ll never be true to you, Kenna. It would be like trying to hold the wind. If you were taken in by him, if you gave yourself….’


‘Forgive me. I mean no offence. I mean only to protect you. Kenna, you should know that there are already rumours going around Dunslair.’

‘What rumours?’

He looked down at his feet, scuffing the ground.

‘Please, Meyrick, tell me.’

‘People are saying you are Conall’s whore.’

‘Oh, God.’

‘Did he…I mean…if he seduced you, it is not your fault. You were in his power and….’

‘Conall has not forced himself on me, nor would he, and I want to go now.’

‘Please don’t be angry. I had to ask, for there have been many others led astray, innocent like you.’


‘It pains me to be the one to tell you this, but Conall Campbell has whored many girls here. Kenna, he is the Laird’s son, and he can do what he likes. He always has.’

‘No, I will not have you talk of him like that, and you will take me back now, Meyrick.’

‘Very well, I can see you are loyal, and that is a fine thing. I admire it. It’s just today, when we came upon you, the two of you seemed at odds.’

Oh, why could he not stop with his questions? He seemed sincerely concerned for her, but the last thing she wanted was to remember the shame of that conversation with Conall, his anger with her and with her family.

Meyrick came close and took hold of her arms gently. ‘Whatever you believe you feel for him, know this. I think you are beautiful Kenna Moncur, a prize to be cherished. If you were mine, I would get on my knees and thank God every day to have something so lovely.’ He reached up and brushed a strand of hair off her face. ‘I have dreamed of you every night since the first moment I saw you.’

‘You barely know me.’

‘Oh, I know you better than you think, and I would know you more.’ His face moved towards hers, and he looked deep into her eyes. ‘Permit me to say this, Kenna. I think I am falling for you. May I kiss you?’

‘I don’t think you should.’

There was no time to react, and suddenly Meyrick’s mouth was on hers, gentle, considerate. It wasn’t awful. It was pleasing even, but he had no right to put his hands on her, and she was sick of men doing what they wanted with no thought for her feelings.