There was something underneath Meyrick’s compliment that hurt for some reason.

‘What’s the matter, Kenna? Did I speak out of turn?’ His expression was concerned. ‘I could not help it, for you are very, very pretty. I meant no harm, truly.’

‘No, it’s fine. I…I don’t get many compliments.’

‘Well, you should, and often.’

‘Meyrick, why were you staring at me in the hall?’

‘Because I saw your discomfort, and I felt for you. It cannot have been easy to sit there with all those strangers gawping, as though you were an amusement at a fayre.’

‘No, it wasn’t.’

‘I think Conall was keen to show off his prize. Had he brought you in on a platter and served you up to them, he could not have been more proud.’ He laughed.

‘I’m not his prize,’ she replied stiffly.

‘Aren’t you?’

How strange his words and manner. There was something about Meyrick that made Kenna feel off balance.

‘Here we are, back at the kitchen, supper smells delicious. I must go. I hope I have not spoken out of turn, Kenna. Be sure you can call on me should you ever need anything, anything at all.’

‘And where will I find you?’

‘With the birds, Kenna.’

With these strange words, Meyrick walked off, and Kenna was left to puzzle his meaning.

Chapter Sixteen

Conall stood at the edge of the loch, deep in thought. The wind was brisk, but he revelled in the vast open space before him, the high mountains and the sun on the water. Lately, he could not bear to be indoors for any length of time. He hadn’t come here on purpose. It was just where he had ended up, as he was constantly moving, hours of walking or riding, so he did not have to stop and think. When he did, he was tortured. All his certainty and purpose seemed to have evaporated since his time of imprisonment. What had shifted in him, he did not know exactly, but he knew he was a different man to the one who had been taken, and he could not go back to how he was before. In some ways, he was still that cowering, fearful wretch, locked in the darkness at Sgathach Dun and part of him, he feared, would never leave that place.

And Kenna, oh, she was in his thoughts constantly, but since bringing her home, he had begun to avoid her, and he had worked out why. It was shame. Kenna had seen him at his lowest ebb. It was because of her bravery that he was still alive, but it wasn’t that which twisted his mind into knots. Guilt tore at him for having almost seduced her. Instead of protecting her, as he had sworn to do, he had been on the point of ruining her, just for a few moments of stolen pleasure. Yet that girl still liked and trusted him. He really didn’t deserve that.

Now he was back at Dunslair, safe and sound, he could have been using all his charm to get her into his bed, for he longed to have her, but she had become the one person who could see through him to his weakness. So he could not bear her warm looks, her admiration, her thinking of him as her saviour. He was not worthy of Kenna’s high regard.

Conall heard his name called and turned to see a huge horse galloping towards him. He recognised it as his father’s. What on earth was he to say to him? His face grew hot with shame, and he balled his fists.

Duncan came to a skidding halt and threw himself off his horse. ‘Conall, oh God, Conall. You are safe.’ He grabbed hold of him.

Conall could only stand rigid, in a crushing hug, as his father said over and over in a choked voice, ‘My son, my son.’

‘I’m braw, Father.’

Duncan stood back, still holding him tightly by the shoulders. ‘You bloody fool Conall, getting yourself kidnapped. Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been?’

‘Not as worried as me. I thought I was going to die there in that stinking hole at Sgathach Dun.’ His voice felt thick, like a stranger’s.

‘Aye, Rory has told me all about it.’ There was a black look on his father’s face.

‘Where is my mother?’

‘She caught a fever on the journey back from London, which we made in great haste and a terrible worry, so she is resting at Cailleach, too weak to make the journey.’

‘How bad is it?’

‘Don’t worry, not serious. She’ll recover soon. A big fuss she made about coming, so I had to lay down the law and insist she stay in bed. I shall be paying for that for some time to come, once her strength returns. But no matter, she knows you are safe, that is the main thing. Did they break any bones, Conall?’