Conall and Ilene fell silent.

‘Someone swung a pike at me, and I was too slow getting out of the way,’ replied Murray evenly.

‘Lucky it didn’t take your head off then.’

‘Aye, well, I’m not as handsome as young Conall here, to be sure.’

‘Handsome doesn’t win a fight. You should be proud of it. My father says a warrior who hasn’t earned any scars is about as useful as a bull without balls.’

Murray laughed, a great big laugh. ‘Well, I thank you for the compliment. What a fine girl this is, Conall, and I do believe she just insulted you by flattering me.’

‘Aye,’ said Ilene, ‘for Conall has no scars at all, so you know what that means.’ They both burst out laughing.

Conall leaned in close to her and whispered, ‘You know I do have scars, Kenna.’


‘On my back, where you raked me with your nails in that cottage.’ He grinned, black eyes seductive and oh so beautiful.

Kenna’s face grew hot, and she turned away.

‘Don’t go all coy and say you’re sorry for it, Kenna. I am not, and I never will be.’

‘You mustn’t say anything,’ she whispered.

‘Of course, I won’t.’

‘Twas nothing to you, Conall. You’ve had countless lasses.’ As she said this, she looked out at the many people watching, among them several bonnie, young women, finely dressed, eyeing Conall with appreciation.

He moved closer so that his cheek lay against her hair. ‘Twas a lot more than nothing, and none made me feel as I did with you. I don’t understand what it is between us, Kenna…I….’

Ilene stood up. ‘This girl is exhausted, Conall. I am taking her to rest.’

‘Aye,’ he said, grabbing Kenna’s hand and squeezing it, ‘and I promised you a nice soft bed, didn’t I, Kenna?’

‘You did. Thank you, Conall.’

She followed Ilene out of the hall on legs of lead, thinking for sure she would faint with tiredness. As she passed by one of the long tables, her eye caught that of a buxom girl with brown hair, staring intently, and the look on her face left Kenna in no doubt that she was not entirely welcome at Dunslair.


The sun kissed the back of Kenna’s eyelids, and there was a scraping sound. She sat up with a gasp to see a woman kneeling before the fireplace, wide-eyed, nervous and incredibly pretty.

‘Who are you?’

‘I am Monnine, a servant here. Forgive me. I was trying to be quiet, building up the fire. Sorry, I woke you.’

‘No, it’s alright. For a moment, I forgot where I was, and it frightened me.’

‘I know how you feel. I have only recently come to Dunslair myself, and it is a little overwhelming at first, isn’t it?’

Kenna smiled. Goodness, she must have been asleep for ages. She had passed out with exhaustion the moment Ilene had tucked her into bed.

‘I will go to the kitchens and get you some porridge. You need not get up yet. Conall said you were to have all and ever comfort, and I was to, how did he put it, ah yes, shovel food into your face until you got fat.’

Kenna smiled. ‘Where is he?’

‘Out and about with Rory.’