Rory was shaking his head and laughing.

‘This isn’t amusing, Rory,’ said Duncan.

‘It is a little for he’s his father’s son true enough. Have you forgotten your younger days, Duncan when there wasn’t a lass within ten miles or so you hadn’t…?’

‘Aye, well, that was a long time ago, and I grew out of my debauchery, unlike some people.’

Rory didn’t bother being offended though he knew Duncan was referring to his unmarried state and many adventures with the fairer sex, for which he was apologising to no one.

‘I brought him to you to sort out his wildness, Rory.’

‘Aye, and I did my best. You have many reasons to be proud of him, Duncan. Conall survived Sgathach Dun for a start. It has a reputation as a hell hole, I have been asking around. If he got out of it alive, then he is to be commended on his bravery and resilience. He is one of the best swordsmen and horsemen at Dunslair and with very little teaching from me, and it’s no fault of mine if he’s gifted in other ways too. We both know where he gets it from, and blood will out Duncan.’

‘I’ve no objection to him sowing his wild oats, but did you not think to teach him honour, integrity?’

‘He has it in him, and he’s a good man Duncan. You can only see him as your son, his wildness, his rebellion against your rule. You don’t see the bravery, the kindness, the way he puts others first. He rescued that girl from a terrible fate and is clearly infatuated. And can you really blame him for acting on that? She is lovely? He is clearly protective of her, and I suppose that leads to other, stronger feelings.’

‘And he learnt that from you, didn’t he, Rory?’

‘Don’t you go bringing Monnine into this. It’s not about her.’

‘Isn’t it? You should think about your own situation before you lecture him about his.’

‘Conall can do something about his. I can’t.’

‘Why not?’

‘Because she doesn’t want me to, and that, my friend, is the end of discussion on the matter.’


Conall stormed out of the study, hell-bent on finding a quiet spot to fume. He ended up at the farthest point of the battlements, looking out over the loch, waiting for the rage inside him to subside. A hand came down heavily on his shoulder, and there was Murray standing behind him.

‘I’ve startled you,’ he said.

‘No, you’ve irritated me, Murray.’

‘Well, you shouldn’t let your enemies creep up on you, or your friends.’

‘What friends? And it’s not your creeping that’s irritated me. You and Rory were no help at all in there.’

‘And what did you want us to say? Your father is right, you know, the situation with Kenna cannot continue, so instead of raging up here, why don’t you consider the dilemma carefully and think of a solution.’

‘If there is any chance of her having to go back to those people, then I will do anything to stop it, even marry her, I suppose. I could never abandon Kenna to such a fate.’

‘And is that such a distasteful proposition? You do like her, don’t you?’

‘I more than like her, Murray. But since getting back here, all I’ve done is avoid her or snarl at her.’


‘Because…I want her alright, more than I care to admit, even to myself. I will even own that I am fond of her.’

‘So it will be a marriage made in heaven.’

‘Look at me. What the hell am I to do with a wife?’

‘Well, if you have to ask, maybe you’re not ready for one.’