‘What is it you aren’t saying? Do you have something to tell me about Meyrick?’

‘Oh, nothing. It’s just he got Darroch to stop glowering at me earlier.’

‘Did Darroch touch you? Did he hurt you?’ The anger surged again.

‘No, nothing like that. He was just giving me the evil eye, and Meyrick put a stop to it.’

‘Did he now?’

‘I think the other men here are a little afraid of him.’

‘They should be.’

‘Why are you being so nasty about Meyrick?’

‘Why must you insist on befriending a rogue?’

‘I haven’t seen you in days, and Meyrick has been nothing but good to me, whereas you didn’t seek me out, and I had no idea where you were.’

‘Are you my keeper now, Kenna, that I must account for my every action to you?’

‘No, you may do as you please, as will I.’

Conall stared over her head at the other dancers. A muscle was going in his cheek. He wanted to kiss her and thrash her all at once. It was a shock seeing her tonight, so changed, so admired, and he had lost that wild stubborn girl he held in high regard, that girl he could rely on. In her place stood a shadow of the real Kenna, one who flirted with other men.

‘You are angry, Conall. Why?’

‘Yes, I am angry. I go away for a short while, and when I return, it is to see you done up like a painted trollop and hanging all over other men.’

She tried to pull away from him, but he grabbed her and dragged her quickly out of the hall and away from the others, away from safety. He shoved her into a dark corner.

‘Listen to me. Meyrick is cruel. I have seen it. He bullies everyone, from younger men to his horse, his dogs, the woman he is currently bedding, which I hope to God isn’t you.’

Smack, she was too quick for him, and she really must have meant that one, for it hurt like hell.

‘Don’t you ever slap me again, Kenna.’

‘You deserve it. Now let go of me.’

‘Not a chance.’

‘Conall, I want to go back to the hall. I won’t let you spoil everything just when I’m enjoying myself for a change.’

‘Aye, a little too much for my liking.’

‘And you’'d know all about that.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘I have heard tales of your exploits with the ladies of Dunslair and beyond.’

‘That does not concern you.’

‘No, it doesn’t, but it means you have no right to judge me or tell me what to do, and I may dance with whomever I please.’

‘I don’t like it when you do.’

‘And I don’t care, Conall.’