‘So I’m foolish as well as a slut now. My list of faults is growing.’

‘I never said you are a slut, and you are deliberately mistaking my meaning. It is no easy thing to turn away from a woman, you know, once your blood is up, but I did it, for your sake, not mine.’

‘Well, rest assured you’ll never need to do it again for my sake.’

‘Good. I won’t. From now on, I will treat you as if you are my bloody sister. Agreed.’


Conall took a deep breath and sniggered.

‘Why are you laughing?’ said Kenna.

‘I am enjoying the memory, that’s all.'

‘Of what?’

‘You are a glorious thing unclothed, Kenna Moncur. Such pure white skin, like fresh milk. Your breasts – ah, I can see them now, sweetly curved, softly rounded like goose eggs.’

‘Stop it.’

‘Upturned in worship to the dawn and your nipples…like little pink acorns…well, it was cold and….’

Kenna thumped him in the back, but there was no hint of remorse in his next words.

‘By God, you are a beauty, Kenna. It’s time you stopped hiding it. When we get to Dunslair, I will burn those rags you have on and clothe you in silk.’ His black mood had blown away as quickly as it had blown in.

‘I think that would be too fine for the likes of me,’ she said bitterly.

‘Silks it is then,’ he smirked, turning around to look at her. His face grew serious, and his dark eyes held hers. ‘Then you will have no end of suitors clamouring for your hand and worshipping your beauty, which is no bad thing, for I think it’s about time you found a man to appreciate it.’

‘I thought I already had,’ she said under her breath, but Conall had already turned away, so only the wind heard her.


The next morning they woke to a soft day, mist streaking the lake where they camped for the night. Geese called noisily all around them, cawing and circling and skidding to a graceful landing on the water. It was so serene that Kenna almost wished they could stay there forever, that they could be together just the two of them, that nothing would change. But Conall was busy and purposeful, shouting at her to hurry up and pack up their things.

They rode all morning for miles until they found themselves on the edge of a vast moor, ending in twin peaks in the distance.

Conall became very quiet.

‘I don’t care for this place much. It is so harsh, so desolate,’ said Kenna.

He just stared off into the distance. ‘It’s Mallach Moor,’ he said quietly.


‘This is Mallach Moor, Kenna. I know this place. This means we are home, well, on the edge of Campbell territory at least. From here, we can find Dunslair, and we’re safe now, for I’ve only to go into any dwelling on these lands and declare myself, and we shall have food and shelter aplenty.’

‘Are you sure?’

‘Aye, but you are right not to like this place, for it is soaked in Campbell blood.’

He got off the horse and helped her down and turned his back to her, looking out at the vast, scrubby moorland.

‘What happened here, Conall?’

‘Our rivals, Clan Grant, stole this land from us a few years back, challenged my father’s power, so we had to fight to take it back. We lost many men, and the clan barely survived its aftermath.’ He turned to her. ‘We Campbells never allow anyone to take what is ours. We fight to the death to keep it, and everyone knows that. When an enemy comes at you, you do not blink, you do not falter. That is what I have been taught all my life. That is why my father has been in London lately, to call in favours he is owed by King Charles for supporting his return to the throne. He is shoring up his power and making alliances to keep us safe. I fear my kidnapping was planned to undermine those efforts.’