Oh no, he wasn’t. Kenna could see the top of his buttocks, firm and hard and dripping wet.

Conall was waist-deep in the fast-flowing river, rubbing soap violently into his armpits and oh, oh, down below too. She was a little afraid he would be taken by the fast current, and yet, despite her concern for him and the fact that she was doing a shameful thing looking, she could not turn away.

Long-limbed, broad-shouldered, he was a big, fine-looking young man, in spite of his privations. Kenna winced at the many yellow and purple bruises marking his skin, which was as pale as milk from being starved of sunlight in the dungeon. Despite that, he was still beautiful, over six feet of lean muscle, and Kenna could not look away. She felt something rise up in her, which was frightening in its strangeness. There was tenderness, for she could see how he had suffered, but there was also joy. Yes, looking on Conall Campbell was a joyful thing. It gave her a little spurt of happiness inside, and she had not felt that luxury in a long time.

Distracted by the feeling, she didn’t prepare for him suddenly turning around. He caught her looking and grinned.

‘Had your fill have you?’ he smirked.

Kenna swung back around, but he would not spare her blushes.

‘Too late to look away now, Kenna,’ he shouted, ‘You may as well feast your eyes, girl.’

‘Don’t call me ‘girl’.’ Cheeks burning, she tried to ignore him, but his laughter made her angry, so she turned and stared boldly at him.

‘I was worried you would fall over in the current, and I would be forced to rescue you again.’

‘I’m braw.’ Conall dunked himself right under and came up squirting water out of his mouth like a fountain. His hands came up to his head, and he squeezed the water out of his hair, and she could only marvel at how his muscles bunched up on his arms, the water dripping downwards over his black hairy chest. He wouldn’t look so fine and be showing himself off if she hadn’t spent these last weeks smuggling in food. He would have wasted away to a pale tottering wraith, like the others.

To her horror, Conall began to emerge from the river, totally naked, water dripping down, down, down his hard body to his…oh Lord.

‘Fetch me the blanket so I can get dry, this wind, aw, I’m not doing myself justice in its keen nip,’ he smiled, looking down to where he was cupping his balls and manhood in his hands.

Kenna was happy to have something to do to cover her embarrassment, so she grabbed the blanket, flung it at him, and bent to roll the bundle up and secure it. She slung it over her shoulder. How Conall came up behind her silently, she did not know, but suddenly his voice was against her neck.

‘You’re a curious one, aren’t you?’ She spun around, and all that lay between her and the sight of his naked manhood was the blanket bunched up in front of it. Did he have no shame? Was there no end to his arrogance?

‘So, you really haven’t seen a naked man before?’

‘No, and I’ve no desire to see one now, and you are disgusting Conall Campbell.’

‘No doubt you are right, but I wasn’t the one spying, was I?’

Oh, he was insufferable.

‘Come closer and see if I smell any better. Come on, don’t be shy.’

Kenna went over to him and sniffed. ‘Not perfect, but better. I suppose I can bear to stand downwind of you now if you don’t die of pneumonia, that is.’

Conall laughed. ‘Can you get my beard off too? It itches.’

‘Alright, I will get the knife, but we shouldn’t linger.’

‘Aye and Kenna, don’t rush, and keep your hand steady. I don’t want a Moncur to finally succeed in slitting my throat by mistake now.’

‘Then you will have to stop talking and hold still.’

Conall was able to have a good look at her up close as, a little while later, Kenna scraped away at his beard. Her hair was fuzzy with damp from a drizzle that had started to fall, and he was bleeding from several cuts on his chin, but by God did he feel better. Just standing quietly with Kenna felt good, and she was lovely to look at.

There was a smattering of pale freckles across her broad little nose and her cheeks, which grew pink under his steady gaze. Such fine eyes she had, tilted slightly upward at the outer edges like a cat’s and such a colour, like the down on a blue tit’s cap and just as soft. His gaze travelled down to her mouth. Oh, he should not stay there too long, or the urge to invade it with his own would grow too strong. Something about her fresh innocence, her clean, gentle kind of beauty, had his heart racing and tenderness filling his breast. Her loveliness had been concealed in the gloom of the dungeon and the despair of his predicament. Staying alive had been his main concern. But here, free at last, he could really appreciate it, and it came as a shock. How could something so delicate-looking, all softness and purity, have remained so unsullied by that evil place?

‘Why are you staring?’ Her question snapped him out of his reverie.

‘We met and got to know each other in almost perpetual darkness, so I never really stopped and looked at you before, Kenna. I mean a good look.’

‘There’s not much to look at.’

‘Trust me, there is.’