Confused by the feelings Duncan inspired, Ailsa tried to stay out of his way as much as possible so as not to be tempted into further displaying any attraction to him. If she saw her husband approaching she would veer off in another direction to avoid an encounter. But Ailsa often found her eye drawn to his tall dark figure as he moved about the castle or rode out on with his men.

Duncan was always busy taking charge of strengthening defences and organising food stores which were severely depleted by the disruption caused by the conflict. Nevertheless, he found time to seek her out regularly to ask advice on some small matter, showing an interest in the most trivial things such as the conditions of the wine stores or the provisions in the kitchens. Or he would ask after the health of one of the villagers who was ailing.

He did not come to her bedchamber at night nor try to lie with her. She was at first relieved at this and then perplexed as to why. As this state of affairs continued Ailsa began to be almost disappointed by her husband’s avoidance of the marriage bed. What devil made her lie awake in a cold bed to the wee small hours longing to feel his hands on her?

One morning, as spring softened into summer, Duncan sent a messenger ordering her to come to the courtyard after breakfast to go riding out. There was no point in arguing and she couldn’t muster the energy to do so anyway. Ailsa found Duncan standing before the stables looking impossibly handsome with a smug look on his devilish face, unruly black hair blown this way and that in the breeze.

‘Will you ride with me today Ailsa?’ he said.

‘Do I have a choice?’

No. I am your husband and I demand the pleasure of your company.’ His brown eyes were alight with excitement and anticipation.

‘Then I’m all yours,’ she replied tartly.

‘All mine…how I like the sound of that,’ parried Duncan, unconcerned with her rejection of him. The more she pushed him away the more he sought her out, her defiance seemed to excite him.

‘I’ll get them to saddle Fingal,’ she said with resignation.

‘No need.’ He snapped his fingers at the stable lad who sped off and returned leading a lovely mare, pure white except for a rash of grey spots over her rump. In the sunlight, the horse’s lush mane and tail gleamed like silver and she snorted, prancing and rearing, eager to be off and running. Such a graceful animal, she took Ailsa’s breath away.

‘She’s yours,’ said Duncan quietly. ‘I bought her for you.’

‘Why?’ Ailsa said quickly without thinking.

‘Because you love to ride and you are a good horsewoman. The mare’s young and skittish, she’ll need a firm hand to break her in properly, but once that’s done I think you’ll enjoy endless hours of pleasure on her back.’ Ailsa felt shame warming her cheeks, feeling he was in some way talking about her. Did he intend to break her independent spirit too?

‘The horse isn’t the only one who’s skittish I see,’ said Duncan seeing her blush. ‘You can’t ride out alone Ailsa and I will have you obey me here. Promise me you will take company.’

‘Yes, I promise.’ Ailsa went up to the beautiful beast, stroking the soft nose and smooth shiny flanks, delighting in the smell of her warm coat. ‘Duncan, is she really mine?’ she asked shyly, not recently accustomed to receiving kindness from anyone and aware that the horse must have cost him a pretty penny.

‘My gift to you.’

Ailsa smiled up at him, unable to contain her excitement. ‘Thank you, Duncan, she’s truly lovely.’

‘Yes, she is,’ he replied quietly, handsome face burning with some emotion Ailsa could not fathom. It was as if she had given him a gift, not the other way around.

They rode for some time in the sunshine before they left the castle well behind. Duncan didn’t seem to feel the need to speak, glancing over admiringly as she settled the horse skillfully.

‘Ailsa you command with the lightest touch. She is already completely under your control, just like me,’ he said ruefully.

‘Duncan, why is it so dangerous for me to ride out alone? Surely our…these lands are well protected and you send out constant patrols. The Sinclairs were soundly beaten, their strength diminished to a point where they could not face you head on and the weaker clans will fall into line now they can no longer hide behind Alex Sinclair and his men.’

‘Up to a point, yes, but the Sinclairs constantly test us, attacking quickly and then retreating before their losses get too great. They stab at our defences, trying to find a weak spot though neither of us has the stomach for a full blown fight in the aftermath of the battle at Kirriemuir. Bands of renegades and mercenaries prey on the defenceless hereabouts and, should they come across a woman out alone, especially one as beautiful as you and high born well, they would either do the profitable thing, hold you for ransom, or something much worse.’

Ailsa, emboldened by his easy manner asked, ‘How much ransom would you pay for me?’

‘Whatever they asked,’ he replied, giving her a look which made her heart thump and her hands shake. His horse was up against hers now and the mood of the morning had shifted.

‘If they are as dangerous as you say, are you able to protect me, Duncan?’ she asked trying to sound nonchalant and failing.

‘I’ll take the head off any man who touches you,’ he said in a hard voice and she knew he meant it. Reaching over he put his hand round her waist pulling her to him and kissed her thoroughly, his thigh pressed to hers. ‘Come, see if you can beat me to the top,’ he said, pulling away and with that, he set off at a gallop up the hill. Ailsa kicked the mare forward, determined not to be beaten and needing an outlet for her emotions. They arrived at the top together and sat in silence drinking in the sight of mountains and moorland spreading out into the distance, clad in a mantle of deep green ferns and purple heather.

Duncan dismounted. “This is a fine spot,’ he said pulling a blanket off his horse and arranging it on the ground. ‘Come, sit Ailsa,’ he said patting a spot next to him on the blanket. Ailsa was wary but complied, sitting as far away from him as possible, the hot feeling his kiss had evoked still burning within her.

‘Your mother is in good health?’ he asked suddenly.

‘Yes, she is but she is lost without my father. You have been very kind to her…and I…I thank you for it.’