Page 74 of Paging Dr. Douche

“Oh no … sorry, nothing. I was talking to myself.” I try to get my words to come out of my mouth the right way, but the caffeine in my system tongue ties me.

“Yeah … Okay, are you going to order anything else to eat? We really need to save the tables for other customers.” She takes a step back like I’m going to attack her or something. Sure I can’t keep my hands from shaking, but that’s just because I’ve been sipping on caffeine since I woke up this morning.

“Sure, I …” I close the menu when I see movement coming from Percy’s building. I jump in surprise when I see it’s Percy by himself. When I jump, so does the waitress. I laugh before I toss the menu down, “Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you. On second thought. I’m all done.” I leave a small tip, take another sip of the coffee before I pick up my book and walk outside.

Percy has been flanked by someone from his office every time I’ve seen him today. What is he doing out here alone now? This might be the only time I’ll have to see what he likes to do on his own. What if he’s going to do another deal with someone? Maybe that guy he was with at Keg Garden will be there too!

My heart starts beating double time in my chest as I step out of the small cafe and walk a few paces behind him. I take my book out of my bag and open it like I’m walking and reading. I don’t want him to see that it’s me behind him, even though I’m sure he doesn’t even remember what I look like. In his world he must be surrounded by stars and socialites all day long, why the hell would he remember me?

I follow him for a few blocks and watch him go about his errands. He walks into the strangest stores, but who am I to judge? Then he walks into a large Starbucks beelining straight for the bathroom.


I find a table and sit down to wait for him to come out. I’ll just follow him for a little while—

“Are you just going to follow me all day or are you going to grow a pair?” Percy says in my ear.

“Ahh! What the hell!” I nearly shit my pants, my arm swings and the book that I was using to hide from him collides with the side of his face. “Oh shoot. I’m sorry! I didn’t mean that. I’m so sorry.” I turn in the booth and put my hand up to assess the damage I’ve done to his face. His cheeks are warm in my hands and my eyes lock onto his. It feels like an electrical current fuses my fingers to his skin and every nerve ending I have pulses with the need to keep on touching him.

“I’m fine.” He grits out and I wrench my hands away.

“Sorry.” I look away from him, embarrassed. My hair falls down around my face hiding my blush.

“Like I said, are you going to just follow me around all day or are you actually going to talk?” He stands over me, a severe look on his face with his arms crossed over his chest.

“What do you mean? I haven’t been following you.” I reply.

That’s right Ella, deny deny deny.

“I saw you through the cafe window early this morning and again just now behind me, walking with a book covering your face really doesn’t make you blend in.” He tilts his head to the side and squints at me.

“I wasn’t following you, we just happened to be in the same places at the same time. It’s not like I’m a stalker or something like that.” I pick up a napkin and start to twirl the corner of it just so my hands stay busy.

“This is fucking ridiculous.” Percy huffs out a breath and slides into the other side of the booth so we’re face to face. His knee rubs mine under the table and I jump, this time not in fright.

“You can’t follow me around places, I already told you what you can do with your little fucking video.” He snarls at me.

“Percy, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?” I raise an eyebrow and his mouth opens slightly.

“Pardon … I’m … No.” He fists his hands on the table and takes a deep breath. “What do you expect? You’re trying to strong arm me.”

“Strong arm you? Seriously? Percy, just sitting for a talk is a little far away from strong arming. I promise you I’ll be nice. I’m not going to take any low blows. I just want a little taste of what makes a mogul like yourself so successful.” I give him my sweetest smile.

He rubs his thumb against his bottom lip, “Do you think that innocent girl routine is going to work on me Ms …”

“Ms. Ella Sayers.” I put my hand out like the respectful woman I am.

“Ella, do you try to pull that sweet girl act on everyone?”

I chuckle and toss the napkin in his direction. “Act, I don’t have the dramatic prowess to put on an act. I’m being straight with you. Look if I’m honest with you, will you ease up a little?”

“It can’t hurt.” He steeples his fingers leaning on his elbows.

“I’m a reporter, but I’ve never been the type to chase celebrities. I want the real news. Unfortunately, real news about what’s going on in our community or in the government isn’t what sells papers so if I want to keep my job and eat on a regular basis, I need to come up with something exceptional. You’re exceptional. I don’t want to make up lies or just run some fluff piece about what beer you like to drink. Just let me in a little bit, let me in and I promise all of this will go away. “

He stares at me for a long time and I just hold his gaze, “You’re not trying to headhunt my talent?”

“Headhunt your talent? No, absolutely not. I’m more interested in giving you head.”