Page 63 of Paging Dr. Douche

I stand there with a pasted smile on my face, trying to blend in with the crowd, when I feel someone move up closer behind me.

"You see that, dear?"

It's his mother.

I don't turn around, just keep the phony smile on my face and my eyes on the stage as I watch him finish his speech. Cynthia, some of the victims of the crash, and Nic all pose for media pictures.

"That is why you'll never belong here. Nic is a man of the people. A man who knows what is expected of him. That up there is what this town needs. Not you. You're a distraction. A hiccup in the plan that is his life. Once you get in that motor home of yours and drive away, nothing here will change. He's better without you, and no matter what you think was going to happen, there's nothing you can do to change that man." She ends on a snarl before she walks off, leaving me standing here, barely hanging on to the breath in my lungs.

I don't fit in here.

I know I don't and all his town knows I don't. I am falling in love with Nic, but I'm never going to be the one he needs. Never going to be the polished debutant that knows what is supposed to happen in the elite class of society. I'm just passing through, and now I'm on the verge of having my heart broken simply because I've got a glimpse at what life can be like.

I don't want a glimpse, I want it all.

As much as it hurts for me to admit it, I know that his mother is right. Nic will be better off without me, and I need to leave before there's no more pieces of my heart left to put back together.



It's beena long while since I've been this furious.

I can't believe Cynthia had the nerve to pull that shit.

After the speech I tried to get right out of there, but I had no idea that along with me being the man of the hour it also meant I had to sit down with reporters to give them my recollection of what happened.

All of them separately.

Instead of the hour or so I thought I'd be here, It's going on five. I'm frustrated and honestly worried. I hadn't seen Nyla since I walked up to be honored. I know she's pissed about Cynthia, but I'd already explained that to her. Cynthia is an annoying thorn in my side. Nyla told me she understood and would be patient, but even I know there's but so much someone can take. I need to figure out a way to make this right.

As I'm walking away from what should be my last interview, I feel the shedevil's hand on my arm. The skin on my arm sizzles where she touches it. "Honey, come on. We have one more news crew over here that wants to take some more photos of us."

"I'm not your honey!" I snap at her and rip my arm out of her grasp. I don't want her hands on me again. How could I have ever thought anything she felt for me was even close to affection? I was such a fool.

"Nic!" She says exasperated, looking around at the people around us.

I don't care anymore, not after what she's pulled today. "Don't Nic me. In fact, I'd prefer if you address me as Dr. Dracos from now on. In fact, I don't want you to address me at all. Don't talk to me. How dare you say that you're my wife. In front of all these people who already know it's not true. What exactly are you trying to pull, Cynthia" I hiss at her.

She folds her arms over her chest and walks closer to me, getting right in my face but lowering her voice. "Nic, look around. These people are looking for the perfect little American town, that includes the hero doctor with the perfect wife. I did this for you." Cynthia says.

I scoff and back away from her. "You're my ex-wife, Cynthia! You didn't do this for me or for the town, you did this for yourself. You're parading around a lie for clout, and you know it. I don't want anything to do with you or whatever plans you have. Marrying you was the worst decision I've ever made, but I'm done paying for it. Stay away from me and if I ever hear you telling people you're my wife again I'll smack you with a lawsuit. I don't want to be associated with the likes of you." The words are loud, but I'm fearful that I might have said them too late.

Cynthia stands there gawking at me as I turn and walk out of my own event.

I jump in my car and as fast as I can, I make my way over to where Nyla's RV is.

Or where it should be.

I check the GPS five times as I drive back and forth and don't see it parked anywhere.

"No. She wouldn't have." I say to myself. My heart is beating out of my chest as panic pushes its way into my mind. There has to be another explanation. She wouldn't just leave. Maybe something happened, and she needed to move the RV.

I'm still not well versed on what it takes to keep one of those things running, but maybe she had to go somewhere else.

Suddenly, her father's words echo in my mind, but I refuse to let them take root.

She wouldn't run.