Patience was going to be difficult to come by until he could see her again and he had a feeling the next few days were going to be agonizing.
Staring at her smiling profile picture, Dennis murmured, “I think I’ve been looking for you my whole life, woman.”
* * *
By the time Nia pulled into her driveway, locked up the house, showered, and dropped into bed, she didn’t even remember what day it was.
She was exhausted to the bone.
The international trips took a lot out of her. She always received a couple of weeks off after each assignment because they wiped her out.
She crashed for eighteen hours.
Feeling somewhat human two days later, she made hair and nail appointments and almost fell asleep during her pedicure.
Unaccustomed to so much free time when she wasn’t fighting with her sister, Nia wandered around Trader Joe’s for way too long.
A little embarrassed at how much wine and cheese was in her cart, she diluted her purchases with coffee and produce.
On the way home, Nia checked in with her mother. “How’s it going and how much do you hate me for sending her to you?”
“She’s a hellion, honey. Barely speaking to me now but that’s better than the yelling. You didn’t tell me how much worse she’d gotten. I think this child needs medication.” Nellie sighed. “Enough about that. How was your trip? I loved the pictures.”
They spent a few minutes talking until Nia pulled into her driveway. “If you want to put Nicki in an apartment, I’ll take care of it. Nothing luxury though. I’ll ship the car down.”
“I can do it, Nia. You work so hard…”
“So did you. For thirty-five years. Enjoy your retirement. Scope out a place. Maybe a condo I can use as a write-off.”
“Always thinking ahead!” Her mother laughed. “My clever girl. I’ll talk to the realtor who found this place for me. I don’t want her in my building.”
“Can’t blame you there. Love you, Mom. Talk to you soon.”
Putting everything away, she took a long shower. Moisturizing her skin, she dressed in loose capris and a soft top. Padding barefoot to her kitchen to pour herself a glass of wine, she was surprised when the doorbell rang.
Looking through the peephole, her eyes widened and she opened the door. Signing for the huge bouquet, she locked up and carried them into her kitchen. She assumed they were from her mom.
They were not.
Nia, I figured you’d be back by now and I wanted to make sure you knew I hadn’t forgotten you for a moment. Looking forward to picking you up, taking you out, then taking you home. ~ Dennis
Arranging a vase of Asian lilies, three distinct types of roses, and delicate greenery made Nia’s heart race.
Her late father’s sister was a florist so Nia understood the expense of the flowers.
She sent Dennis a text thanking him. He responded a minute later with three texts in a row.
You’re welcome, Nia.
It’s been twelve days. Is that close enough to two weeks…or nah? Tell me to fuck off if you want.
Don’t tell me to fuck off. Let me show you who I really am.
Barely pausing to consider, Nia wrote him back with butterflies in her stomach.
See you at seven.
Chapter Four