Big dick
Great oral
Has his own place
Nice car
Clean - a little too clean
Good for late night
Under the company field, she’d typed the name of a bar.
Nia put his number in her phone before tossing her sister’s cell out of her room and down the hall. Shaking, she sent him a text.
My name is Nia. I’m Nicki’s older sister. I just took your number from her phone when I realized what she’d done. I’m so, so sorry you got wrapped up in our shit. Everything is okay. You don’t have to worry about anything. I swear it.
Sitting on the edge of her bed, she was terrified about how he’d respond. It was a horrible situation and embarrassing for her on so many levels. When her phone vibrated a few minutes later, it made her jump and release a small scream.
I can’t even imagine how freaked out you were at first. I’m so fucking sorry for that. I’ve never felt more ashamed. Thank you for trying to put my mind at ease but I wasn’t the victim.
Strangely, the message made her tear up. Inhaling deeply, she wrote him back twice in a row.
The fear only lasted a minute and only because I never have someone else in bed with me. When I realized you thought I was my sister, I was embarrassed and didn’t know how to handle it in a way that wouldn’t have made everything more awkward.
I could have, should have, said something. Then I didn’t want to.
Two minutes passed before two messages came through.
The casual thing I had with Nicki has been over for months...until she texted me tonight. I’ll never touch her again. Not just because she put me in a situation that could have gone a lot different and ended with me locked the fuck up…but because anybody who treats family like that isn’t worth my time.
I’m sure you need some time. I get it. Don’t lose my number, Nia. If you can get over me meeting Nicki first, I’d like to see you again. Face to face this time. ;)
She stared at the message for a long time, eyes wide, holding her breath. She wondered if he was being kind, trying to appease his guilt over the circumstances.
He wanted to see her…? As in, take her on a date and have a repeat of the only satisfying sex she’d ever had?
Trying to settle her thoughts, she replied.
I’m not like my sister and I don’t want to be. You should know that, Dennis. We’re total opposites. Whatever attracted you to her, I don’t have that and I won’t pretend to.
His response made her gasp.
I’ll wait one week and hit you up. See if you’ll let me take you to dinner, maybe some dancing. I could get addicted to your pussy. Might as well be honest about that from the jump.
No one had ever written her such a thing in text. Until a couple of hours ago, no man had ever talked to her in bed the way Dennis did.
The entire situation was bizarre but she’d be lying if she pretended not to want more. She checked her work calendar before she responded.
I’ll be in Germany for five days for work. Two weeks?
Tugging her lower lip between her teeth, she waited anxiously, wondering if any of this was a good idea.
Done. Let’s not play games, Nia. I’m too old for that shit. Plan to spread your soft thighs for me so I can make up for this shit show. I’ll make a better impression the second time.
Nia knew the overall circumstances were horrible but there was no way he could make a better impression sexually.