Page 43 of Dreaming

“You look good enough to eat.” He smoothed his hand over her ass. “If you knew the insane fantasies in my head right now, you’d slap me in the mouth.”

Arching her brow, she retorted, “No. I’d be riding your mouth.” The low growl he made caused shivers down her back.

He gave a single nod. “Let’s get home so we can explore this further.”

Smiling, she turned off the lights in her suite. At the door, she took his hand and he picked up their bags in his other.

Men and women who lived and worked at the compound came out to tell her goodbye and shake Dennis’ hand.

Tildy shed tears. “You look great, Nia. Like your old self.” Wiping her face, she added, “I miss you when I don’t see you!”

Nia hugged the young woman tightly. “You’re always welcome to visit. Always.” Removing a small linen envelope from her jacket, she said, “This is for Collin. He hates goodbyes.”

“I’ll take it to him now. Safe travels and call me for anything you need.”

Winking, Nia said, “See you later, honey.”

They made their way through the winding halls to the elevator.

Hollow waited beside it. “Nia. Thank you.”

Releasing Dennis’ hand, she hugged her boss and dear friend for a long time. “Sorry it took so for me to come back.”

He kissed her temple. “I used to shoot heroin for six months straight to shut down my brain. This was personal. You’ll get no judgment from me, Nia.”

“Hayden…” She frowned as she inspected his face closely. “You’re wrecked. What happened? Tell me.”

“Sh-she left me.”

Nia’s eyes went wide. “What are you talking about? Amanda left?” He nodded and she processed the information. “She loves you. Why did she leave?”

“To save Isabella.”

Nia struggled to understand why Hayden would let his soulmate out of his sight. “Go get her back.” He closed his eyes. “Hayden. You have to get Amanda back. She’s your sedative…”

“No matter how much I hate being separated from her, she was right. Both of us had to know, Nia.”

“That’s a huge risk, Hayden. So much can go wrong.” Gripping his shoulder with one hand, she covered her lips with the other.

“I know it.” He dragged his fingers through his hair and she could see his turmoil. “This thing with Isabella has dragged on for two fucking decades. I needed to know if there was anything to save – any residual love left for her – so Amanda would know.”

Blinking against tears, she whispered, “You want her to trust that she has all of you.”

He nodded.

Nia took a deep breath. “I’m sorry I was under when this happened. I would have run the numbers.” Pulling him into a hug, she added, “Amanda has a higher probability of success. Isabella’s numbers are vague except for where your lives intersect.”

Leaning back, she said, “Hayden, that’s a lifetime of habit…not love. You have people and history in common but Isabella never calmed you the way Amanda does.”

“I agree.” He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. “I miss you already.”

Holding his face in her palms, she replied, “I’m always reachable. Whatever you need. Text me, call me, visit.”

Letting her go, Hollow looked at Dennis. “Take care of her. We have people to protect you both - that’s not the care I mean.”

“I know,” Dennis replied. “Don’t worry.”

“I always worry. Call if you need anything but no work, Nia. None. Have your baby and soak up some normal for a change. Lean on Dennis…the big bastard can handle it.”