“Traveling karaoke sales? We swoop in and corner the lucrative bar market, get them hooked on oursweettunes, and leave their society in shambles behind us.”
“Mass destruction on a scale that would fit into our busy schedules. Darling, you’re a genius.”
He kissed my neck. “We have to be careful not to get hooked on our own product.”
“Always a risk with the seductive melodies…”
His laugh was warm on my skin. “I’ll watch you. You keep me away from anything Bon Jovi or Billy Joel.” He lifted his head to look at me. “You know I love the BJs.”
I burst out laughing. “You’re delirious.”
“You meanhilarious.”
We talked hot nonsense and laughed like idiots for hours. I’m not sure who fell asleep first.
When I woke up, there was a vintage diamond ring on my finger that stole my breath.
Just like that, the next chapter of my life opened like a flower in front of me and it wasmarvelous.
March 2016
We kept our engagement low-key formonths.
We quietly planned what we wanted with our moms and they didn’t push. For the most part.
You know, as much as moms could keep from pushing.
I refused to let Mom pay for anything and she fought me the entire way. Jacklovedwatching us argue. He described it as a loud tennis match with words instead of balls.
Since both of us owned a place but there was no way all our shit would work in my condo, I eventually agreed to rent it out and move into his house.
He turned one of his rooms on the first floor into a luxurious office space for me.
It happened to be across the hall from his studio and I had to close my door when I didn’t want to get sidelined by his never-ending lust for my bod.
It was easy to love the extra space and we settled into a routine that enabled us to dance around each other working and living under the same roof.
I’d never lived with a man, he’d never lived with a woman, so it took some adjusting.
Over time, it got better and I only wanted to burn the place down with him in it once a week.
Months of regular sex and bizarre hiking expeditions in the middle of nowhere with my outdoor-obsessed husband-to-be meant I was twenty pounds lighter than the year before.
Fortunately, I hadn’t lost the softness Jack loved. He might’ve started throwing cake at me or something.
I resisted as long as I could but eventually, the rest of my family had to be brought into the loop.
My aunts were suspicious and I wasliterallythe last Andreadis of my generation that didn’t have at least one marriage or kid.
We arranged a huge family dinner. Ava and Kevin were asked to arrive an hour before everyone else.
It was awkward from the moment they walked in.
Neither of our siblings knew how to earn real money so they relied heavily on our moms. They couldn’t budget a dime and often forgot to pay their bills.
I didn’t know how Ava and I shared blood.