Page 46 of Eren

It took him a moment to figure out what it sounded like she was talking about. "You can turn invisible?"

"Notquitethat," Lucy said. "It's more like people look at me but they don't see me."

"That's kind of the definition of being invisible, yeah."

She poked his nose with her finger, smiling. "Iknowthat, you big lug. But I don't think I truly disappear, I just get hard to notice. I have to stay very still and quiet, or it stops working. I can't tell if it's worked becauseIcan still see me, and it sometimes fails completely, like with you."

"What do you mean, it fails with me?"

"When you first found me down here, I was trying to do it. I just couldn't get it to work."

"If we're mates it would make sense," Eren said slowly, thinking his way through it. "I'dalwaysknow where you are. I've heard that some mated couples can tell when the other one is in danger, find them in a crowd, and that kind of thing. It's like you have a sixth sense for them. And—" He broke off, blushing.

"And?" Lucy prompted.

"The sex is supposed to be really good."

She grinned and rose up on her knees. "I'd love to find out more about that. This storm's going to last for hours, right?"

"Probably all night."

"Then I can think of a few ways to entertain ourselves until morning."


Lucy felt absolutely brazen.Or perhaps daring would be a better word for it. Excitement thrummed in her blood as she climbed into Eren's lap.

Old Lucy would have hesitated, and worried, and fretted.

New Lucy had an incredibly sexy guy right here, and total privacy, and was already going for it before her conscious mind could catch up with her intentions.

She slipped her sweater off over her head, leaving her in her bra. Fortunately it was a nice one; at Juanita's boutique, she had found a pretty red one with a bow between the breasts. She had been waiting to show it off.

Eren's reaction was all that she had hoped for. His eyes blew out dark with desire. With her thighs straddling his lap, she could feel the heat and pressure of his erection against her inner thigh.

New Lucy was definitely going to get her some of that.

Eren placed his hands at her waist and ran them up her sides. She shivered at the touch of his callused palms. The hands that were rough and strong from hard work handled her with incredible gentleness, as if she was a precious flower.

As much as she appreciated the delicacy, she didn't want to be a precious flower tonight. She wanted to bemanhandled.

She began to unbutton his shirt, while Eren went on caressing her, gentle touches becoming more heated. He reached behind her back to undo her bra.

Meanwhile, she got Eren's shirt open. Finally,finallyshe got to run her hands across the broad chest, bury her fingers in the golden fuzz.

Eren took his hands off her bra long enough to shrug out of the sleeves of his shirt. Lucy slipped the bra's straps off her shoulders and her breasts came free. Her nipples had hardened to erect nubs.

Eren made a sound low in his throat and ran his callused thumbs across them. Lucy gasped a little and arched her back.

They were only naked to the waist, and she was already dripping wet. Eren teased her nipples and then leaned forward to lave them with his tongue, sending sparks of reflexive energy flaring down her spine.

She lifted up on her knees to give him better access, and nearly banged her head on the low ceiling of the cabin. There was a brief pause where both of them dissolved into giggles, the mood temporarily relaxing.

"Okay, so having sex in a small space is more challenging than it looks," Lucy said.

"How 'bout I get you in the berth and then we'll be in less danger of bumping into things."

No more needed to be said. She started to scramble off his lap.