Page 61 of Hellhound Marshal

Their lovemaking seemed to go on forever, sometimes frantic and wild and sometimes slow and tender, like they couldn’t decide what they needed more. Iz wrapped her legs around him, pulling him close, and dug her fingers into his back, feeling the smooth skin and the movement of his powerful muscles. She wanted to leave marks on him, light red scratches, signs of what they were to each other, and she wanted him to do the same to her.

Most of all, she never wanted this moment to end. She wanted to feel like this forever—united, strong,loved.

But she was uncomfortably aware that all of that could easily be just another dream.

Chapter Sixteen

Logan woke up not knowingwhere he was.

The hellhound side of him sifted through the new onslaught of information first, with a instinctual speed—

New, warm, safe, MATE. Good place.

—that his human half couldn’t equal. He was groggy and confused, and some part of him would swear that he still felt the immense weight of stone above his head.

He made himself pay attention to what he wasseeing, which had to be more reliable. He was looking at the back of Iz’s neck, where thin wisps of silky blonde hair curled slightly against her nape. He could see the delicate gold chain of a necklace, too.

They’d had sex.

He had gone to his motel room convinced that he wasn’t going to be able to sleep without having her safely in his eyeline, even with Nathaniel’s reassuring presence at his feet. Everything felt wrong. He couldn’t see her. The dark space he was in smelled like furniture polish instead of dragon scales and wild animals. His telepathy was muffled down to nothing. After months of sleeping on a stone floor, even this cheap mattress felt as soft as pudding. He’d finally spread a blanket out over the floor and laid on that. That had been a little bit better, but he’d still stayed awake, his eyes gritty from fatigue and his human body starting to complain about the hard floor.

There’s just no pleasing some people, he’d thought,and apparently I’m Some People.

But now he was grateful for that sleeplessness, because it meant that he’d been awake to hear Iz screaming.

He had jumped up and run out of his room without even thinking about it.

He’d never known that kind of terror before in his life. All his conscious thoughts had been completely wiped out by the possibility that Sebastian had come back for her.

Logan had had to break her door to get inside. Looking at it now, he could only be ruefully thankful that it had swung closed again on its own, preserving their privacy even as it hung on its broken latch, looking justifiably aggrieved.

He’d had a good reason to kick it in. All he had wanted was to protect her.

Hehadn’thad a good reason for what had come next.

He had woken her up, kissed the hell out of her, stripped her naked, and ...claimedher.