Page 53 of We Dance in Sin

“Fine, but only because you asked,” he grinds out, irritated. We stop in front of the couple he was beside, the man carrying the same deadly cold look Vance usually does. Their features are almost an exact replica, except this man is older. “Brixley, this is Marco and Aurora De Luca, my parents.”

I look at the woman; she has chestnut brown hair, the same eye shape as Vance and me, except hers are blue. Her top lip is fuller than her bottom one and when she smiles, her eyes shimmer and it feels as if I’ve been punched in the gut.

“Hello.” I push out my hand, but it’s Marco who takes it, his grip a little too tight, but I smile through the pain.

“Brixley Archer. Long time no see. The house grew very… unlively without you around. Glad to see you have reunited with my son.”

I don’t know what to say to that. But luckily, I don’t have to because Aurora pulls me into a suffocating hug, but it feels all wrong and entirely too soon. I reach my hand out behind me, grabbing ahold of Vance and squeezing his hand, hoping he’ll understand. “That’s enough, Mom.” His voice holds a command that leaves no room for argument.

“Oh god.” She pulls back, releasing me. “I’m so sorry. It’s just… yeah.” She lets a small smile free. It’s sad, though, and it leaves me feeling a little dejected and confused.

“Brixley.” Beckett’s voice jerks me away from Aurora’s face to his, and calmness washes over me. He holds his hand out and I take it.

“Excuse me,” I say, nodding my head at the De Lucas.

I let a deep breath loose, clutching Beckett’s hand. “Don’t get too comfortable yet, Rabbit,” he whispers as we step up to a woman with the same chocolate hair as Beckett. As she turns around, a flashback of her finding me reels in my mind. She smiles wide. “I’m Monica.” She holds out a hand.

I shake it. “I know, I remember you.”

She pauses. “Really?”

I nod. “You pulled me from my dead parents’ corpses.”

Monica looks to Beckett, a little stunned. “I thought you said she didn’t remember?”

“I only remember the after,” I supply.

Monica nods, and then says, as if changing the subject will break the awkward spell, “I’m afraid my husband is at home discussing business with Mr. Williams. I’m sure he will be back soon so you can meet him as well. But,” she looks around, a smile on her face as she spots someone, “Lucile, darling. Come say hi to Brixley.” Monica turns back to me. “You may not remember the Williamses very much, they were just coming around when…” She clears the emotion from her voice. “I’m sorry, your mom was my best friend, just seeing you has all these emotions coming back to me.”

“I understand,” I say quietly.

“Oh, Lucile, you remember Brixley.”

My eyes connect with Lucile’s smile and my stomach twists, souring. It’s so out of the blue, so random. My chest tightens, my eyes growing hazy. I squeeze Beckett’s hand so hard I hear him hiss.

“Excuse us,” he says.

He pulls me away, ducking us behind a tree. My body lurches forward and I spill my entire lunch at his feet before I sink to my bottom beside the tree. I hear him talking, but it’s as if it’s white noise, his voice TV static. I feel soft hands on my cheeks, and I look up to see Prim.

“You’re okay,” she whispers. “It’s okay.”

“I think this may have been too much too soon,” Vance says quietly. “She’s just been bear-hugged by a woman she didn’t know is her biological mother until recently. Surprised it took her this long to have a panic attack.”

“I’m fine,” I say, voice raw as I try to stand. Beckett helps me, picking me up by my arm.

“I vote we go give them the tattoos and fucking leave. Both of them are uncomfortable,” Vance says.

“We can do the tattoos at home.” Beckett pulls me to him. “Are you okay?”

“I think I may have just gotten overwhelmed. I feel fine now.” It’s not a lie, I do feel better. “We can go back.”

“Fuck that,” he says, tossing an arm around me, leading me to the car.

“Did you say tattoo?” Prim asks quietly.

“Sure did, Angel. I’m about to permanently mark you.” He tosses an arm around her shoulders.

“I’m going to ride with Brixley,” she says.