Page 29 of We Dance in Sin

Peeking over his shoulder, I see an older gentleman in a police officer uniform. “I’m going to need you to come with me.”

“Under what grounds?” Vance asks, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

“Listen, son. We just need to ask you some questions. Then, you’ll be free to go.”

My phone pings, a message from the school stating we are officially in a lockdown. Vance looks at his phone, eyes connecting with mine over his shoulder. “Soulless, go with Madden back to the house.”

“Madden,” the officer says, something twisted in his voice. “So glad I didn’t have to hunt you down. Where is your sister, Amiyah?”

Sister? She’s his sister?

Madden steps up beside me, arms folded. “What is this about?”

“Just need to ask you all some questions. That’s it.”

Vance steps back, coming beside me. “Grab Primrose and head to our house. And for once, Brixley, do not fight me on this.”

“Okay,” I whisper. My phone pings and I look down to see a message from an unknown number with a sequence of numbers. I look up to Vance, frowning. “You?” I ask and he nods. “But I didn’t give you my number.”

Vance sighs. “Just go to the house, that code will get you in.”

“Okay,” I whisper again.

* * *

The house is quiet,and it feels awkward because this isn’t my place. Prim and I sit on the big, comfy couch in the living room. The news plays quietly in the background on the TV. Looks as if we will have several days of storms. It’s currently storming outside now. The streaks of lightening cracking through the sky like broken glass, the heavy downpour of rain like rapid taps on the window. I love the small views of smoky clouds that illuminate with the flickers of lightening.

Prim sits next to me, oddly quiet. Not giving me her ten million questions. “Are you okay?” I finally ask.

“Do you think they are the killers?” she whispers.

I mull it over. “I think if it was The Misfits we’d never know about it. Their families are powerful, they’d cover it up, not show it off as the killer has.”

She nods. “Okay. Then who would want to kill you?”

“That is a good question.”

The door swings open, five figures walking through the door. I have an urge to run to Beckett, to make sure he’s okay, but I stay planted in my seat, allowing him to come to me instead. He holds out a hand for me, and I stare at it and then back up to him. “Come on, Rabbit.” His voice is irritated, so I choose not to test him further.

I grab his hand, allowing the comfort it brings me as he pulls me up.

“I can walk them home,” Devlin offers.

“No one fucking asked you to. Besides, we’re on lockdown. They stay here,” Beckett snaps.

Devlin’s jaw tightens but he nods. I look between them, feeling the dense energy swarming from them. Devlin is usually calm like Beckett, but tonight it feels as if they could both cut each other’s throats.

I tug on Beckett’s arm, hoping he’ll let it drop and lead me to his room. He looks down at me, jaw loosening as he visibly relaxes. He tugs me with him, up the stairs and into his room. As soon as I walk through the door, he shuts it, roughly slamming me against it. “Do you think I’m a killer too?” he whispers into my face, knife positioned at my throat.

“What?” I breathe out.

He grins, tracing the knife down my throat and lightly pressing it into the small curve of my breast. “I see the way you look at me. Like I might be a killer, like I’m sick in the head. So, tell me…” His free hand sinks into my shorts, cupping my pussy in a tight grip. “Do you think I’m a sick killer?” He curls two fingers inside of me and my eyes roll to the back of my head. “Why the fuck are you so turned on right now?”

The knife at my breast tears through the thin material of my tank top, flaying it open, exposing my breasts as they rest in an emerald green lace bra. A small sting flares from where he nicked me. “Get on the fucking bed, Rabbit.” I swallow, not moving an inch from the door. “Do you really want to test me right now?” he rasps.

A beat of silence, then, “Okay, Rabbit.” His hand wraps around my throat, pulling me with him. He uses my throat as leverage and throws me onto his bed. Falling on top of me before I can move. His hand comes back to my throat, the other working my shorts down until I’m left in nothing but my matching lace panties. He pulls back a little, dark eyes sweeping over me. Dilating as they zero in on my bloody flesh. He licks his lips, shifting his hips into mine as he slowly lowers his head to my wound. The tip of his tongue runs over the sting, causing me to gasp. His lips wrap over it, sucking around the laceration, pulling the blood to the surface, lapping it into his mouth, groaning. I shut my eyes as pleasure builds. His fingers slip into the straps of my bra, slowly pulling them down my shoulders until my breasts fall free. He looks up, and reaching into his back pocket, he produces the knife again. “Open your mouth, tongue out.”

The fear that blossoms inside of me causes my movements to slow as I slowly open my mouth, letting my tongue roll free, sitting on my bottom lip. He brings the flat end of the knife down on my tongue. My heart beats as the adrenaline kicks in. Fear and lust swirl into a toxic cocktail that leaves me drunk with desire as the knife traces down my chin. Beckett’s pupils are blown, his eyes clouded with lust as he watches the blade of his knife. He slaps the cool metal against my aching nipple, and I moan, rubbing my thighs together. Wanting to rub my body against his. “You like danger, Rabbit.”