Page 22 of We Dance in Sin

“I don’t fucking know. I kicked them off her and they fled. I didn’t feel the need to chase after them while she lays bleeding on the floor,” Vance says, but I can tell he’s closer.

I feel small hands on my face, hints of roses and warm honey swirling around me like a soft blanket. “Brix,” Prim whispers.

And everything goes black.



I’m tooscared to move. Afraid that if I leave, Momma and Daddy will disappear. I have no clue how long they’ve been asleep, but I haven’t moved an inch. I accidentally wet myself. I couldn’t hold it any longer and it’s like I just combusted or something.

I nudge Daddy’s arm. “Daddy, can you wake up now?” I gasp as my little fingers touch his face. “Oh, Daddy. You’re so cold.”

I look around the living room, spotting the huge blanket laying on the back of the couch we use for movie nights. It’s big enough for all of us. I tap on Momma’s shoulder. “Daddy is cold, Momma, I have to get us a blanket. I’ll be right back, okay?”

Momma says nothing as I tiptoe to the couch, grabbing the blanket and positioning myself back between their ice-cold bodies. I make sure to tuck the blanket around us, ignoring the horrible smell that leaks from their bodies. I cocoon myself under the cover. I wish they’d wake up. A part of me knows they won’t but my mind doesn’t seem to accept the facts. To acknowledge the true picture of what is going on here.

Raindrops splatter onto my cheeks, salty as they reach my trembling lips. I begin to hum again. I hum until my mouth goes numb, throat raw and achy, until my little eyes slip closed.

* * *

I hear voices around me.My head throbs like a jackhammer to the skull and I try to speak, but my throat is raw. “Maybe someone impersonated us. Followed one of us out here…” Devlin says.

“Maybe,” Beckett replies, voice so close to me. My hand reaches out in his direction, connecting with warm skin. “She’s waking up, you need to leave.”

“Fuck that,” Vance says on my other side.

“I get it, Vance, I do, but she won’t.”

“Maybe I don’t trust you. Ever think about that, Beck?” Vance tosses back.

“I would never fucking hurt her,” Beckett growls, fingers strong and warm lacing with mine.

“Just bully her, right?”

“That’s between her and me. Now leave,” Beckett says lowly, a warning in his strong voice.

A chair scraping back and a door slamming has me jumping, eyes flashing open. Beckett leans over me, my hand still in his as he peers down at me. “How’s your head, Rabbit?”

I swallow, licking my dry lips, and whisper, “It hurts.”

His eyes flash with a protectiveness I don’t understand. “Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?”

“No,” I whisper. “I need to go home.” I rise, whimpering at the ache that seems to vibrate everywhere.

“I’ll take you back. Just let me get you cleaned up first.”

I wrench my hand from his. “I don’t trust you. After what happened, I don’t trust anyone.”

Beckett nods. “I get it, but I’m not going to hurt you.”

I fight the pain in my body, pushing the covers away. Cold air nips at my stomach and I realize my hoodie is gone. Searching around the room, I don’t see it, but I spot Beckett’s on the back of a chair. I move slowly, throwing the huge hoodie over my head, and it reaches my knees. It’s a mistake because it smells like him and if I had to describe the perfect scent, it would be his. My hand wraps around the handle, twisting and throwing the door open. Three sets of eyes latch on to me.

“Brix.” Primrose advances toward me but I hold up a hand, stopping her.

“Don’t come near me.”

Primrose’s face falls. “Brixley?”