He unfastened the top button of his shirt and loosened his tie before pouring two shots of something from a decanter. Then he crossed the room and handed me one of the glasses. It was heavy cut crystal. I wondered idly if it had come with the furnished townhouse.

Reno lightly tapped our glasses together and said, “Salut,” before tossing back what proved to be a high-quality scotch. After I finished mine, he took the glass from me and put it with his on the coffee table.

When he moved a little closer, my heart started pounding. Why was I nervous? It wasn’t like one-night stands were new to me.

This guy though, he was intimidating. In part, it was because he was fucking huge. It wasn’t just that he was about six-two to my five-foot-nine, he was also built like a tank. If he wanted to, he could hurt me. Badly. Usually, when I went home with men I felt like a fox in a henhouse. Right now, I felt more like a bunny in a lion’s den, and that didn’t sit well with me.

I looked up into his eyes. They were light brown with flecks of green and gold, and they crinkled at the corners when he smiled at me.

He reached out, slowly and deliberately, as if he sensed my nervousness and was trying not to startle me. His hand looked big and clumsy, but his touch was gentle as he traced my jawline and murmured, “You’re so beautiful, Jack. My god. You take my breath away.”

I reached for him too and ended up placing a hand over his heart. It was beating as rapidly as mine. That was probably because of anticipation rather than nerves though, since this guy oozed confidence.

He raised my chin with a fingertip and brushed his lips to mine. It was sweet and tender, but I was already feeling vulnerable, and I wasn’t going to let this guy strip away any more of my defenses. Instead, I pressed myself against him and deepened the kiss, and he instantly responded.

Everything happened really quickly after that. We made out wildly and pawed at each other as one article of clothing after another got tossed onto the floor. Just a couple of minutes later, we landed on the couch, and I began sucking his cock like my life depended on it.

After a while, he mumbled, “I need to be inside you,” which was really fucking hot.

I sat up and pushed my hair out of my eyes. “Where do you keep your condoms?”

“There are some in the guest room.”

We both got up, and he tucked his hard-on into his briefs and straightened his unbuttoned shirt, which was all that I was wearing, too. Then he took my hand and led me down the hall. Along the way, we passed a half-bath and a kitchen so pristine that it looked like it had never actually been used for anything. Opposite it at the back of the townhouse was a small bedroom that also looked like it had never been used, except for the large shopping bag on the tan and white bedspread.

I was surprised when he dumped the bag’s contents onto the bed. Apparently he’d recently visited a sex shop, and I asked, “Did you impulse buy everything you saw on this little shopping excursion?”

In addition to a huge box of condoms and two types of lube, there were three dildoes, a butt plug, a pair of handcuffs lined with red fake fur, and a silk blindfold. He sighed and told me, “I’ll admit I got a little carried away. I recently got out of a relationship and thought…I don’t know. That maybe my sex life needed a reset?” He placed the condoms and lube on the nightstand and asked, “Any of this stuff grab you?”

I picked up the handcuffs and tugged them to check the strength of the chain. They were heavy and good quality, despite the fuzzy sasquatch fur lining, which just made them look silly. I removed the key and the tag, and then I tested them and said, “Oops, sorry. I shouldn’t have taken off the price tag, because they’re defective. The quick release button doesn’t work.” I tried the key and added, “They do still function as regular cuffs, though.”

“I wouldn’t have bothered to return them anyway.” He glanced at me curiously and asked, “Would you let me put those on you?”

“I have something else in mind.” To make my intentions clear, I flicked open one of the cuffs and smiled at him while I waited to see what he’d do.

He glanced at the restraints before looking me in the eye and asking, “Can I trust you, Jack?”

“Hell no, not even a little.”

That was the truth, but he assumed I was kidding. He even chuckled, and then he asked, “How do you want me?”

I gestured at the bed. “Naked on your back, with your hands above your head.”

Horny men should absolutely not be allowed to make decisions. Ever. Reno rushed to clear away the toys before doing exactly as I asked. After his shirt and briefs hit the floor, he stretched out on the bed and grasped the headboard’s wooden slats.

Once I threaded the cuffs through the slats and fastened them around his wrists, I could finally relax. There was no way he could do anything unexpected now, and I was right where I wanted to be—totally in charge of the situation.

I turned on the small beside lamp and shut off the harsh overhead lighting, and I ran my gaze down his body while I undressed. He was perfection, from his muscles and hairy chest to his thick cock. It was rock hard and leaking precome onto his stomach, which made it perfectly clear how he felt about being tied down.

I climbed between his legs and ran my tongue up his shaft, which made him shudder with pleasure. Then I took my time sucking him, until he rasped, “I need to be in you, Jack.”

He watched like it was the most fascinating thing he’d ever seen as I grabbed the lube and worked myself open. After that, I wiped my hands with some tissues and tried to pry open the box of condoms.

In my haste, I ended up ripping the box in half and flinging rubbers all over the bed, the nightstand, and Reno. I muttered, “Oops,” as I quickly swept them onto the floor. Then I unrolled one over his cock and slicked it with lube.

I said, “Hold still,” as I straddled his hips and took a breath. He planted his feet on the mattress and grasped the headboard’s slats again, as if he was steadying himself.

I tried lowering myself onto his cock and met with all kinds of resistance. It felt like a personal triumph when the tip finally slipped inside me, but then it was slow going to take the rest of him, because he was so thick.