When I caught up to them a few moments later, Dante introduced me to his husband Charlie. Then Romy climbed out of the passenger seat, rushed over, and grabbed me in a hug as he asked, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, thanks to all of you.”

“Jack’s the real hero here,” Romy said. “He had the foresight to call the Dombrusos for help.”

“It was a team effort.” Jack handed Charlie a few things, including a slender case with a lopsided cat head on it, and told him, “Before I forget, here’s your knife and tools. The lock pick kit was perfect, by the way.”

After Dante and Vincent offloaded about a dozen guns into the trunk, we all piled into the SUV. Dante and his husband began making out in the third row of seats while Vincent started the engine and pulled onto the road. At the same time, I drew Jack into my arms and exhaled slowly.

After a while, I asked him, “How did you know to call the Dombrusos?” I could barely process the fact that they were actually here, especially since I was reeling from the past twelve hours.

“From what you’d told me about them, I figured they’d know how to deal with a man like Greco. I found your grandmother’s name in your journal and left her a message, and she enlisted your two older brothers. She’s here in Vegas too, by the way. The journal also led us to Greco’s house, thanks to a snitch Dante and Vincent found at one of the places on your list.”

When a tremor ran through Jack’s slender body, I tucked his head under my chin and asked, “Are you alright, doll face?”

“I was doing pretty well with all that adrenaline coursing through my system, but now that it’s wearing off I’m not gonna lie, I feel like shit.”

“He has a concussion and a gunshot wound,” Romy chimed in from the passenger seat, “and earlier today he escaped from the hospital without a doctor’s permission. We should really take him back.”

“Absolutely not,” Jack muttered, as he curled up against me and shut his eyes. “I’m staying with Reno. Also, was that really this morning? This has been the longest day ever.”

Romy sighed at the bit about not going back to the hospital, and then he told me, “By the way, I called Mom a few minutes ago and told her you’re safe, but she wants to see you for herself.”

I asked him, “Where is she right now? We should do a quick detour so she doesn’t keep worrying.” Romy told me she was at her boyfriend’s house and gave Vincent directions.

A moment later, I noticed a growing spot of blood on Jack’s sleeve and exclaimed, “You’re hurt!”

He shrugged and told me, “That’s from this morning. It’s where I got shot. I guess I opened up my stitches in all this excitement.”

Romy handed me a bandana and instructed me to tie it around Jack’s arm, so it would put light pressure on the wound. I almost couldn’t manage it, because a fresh wave of rage was making my hands shake. I cupped Jack’s cheek and muttered, “That bullet wound is inches from your heart. I could have lost you.”

“But you didn’t,” he murmured, as he snuggled closer.

This thing with Greco wasn’t over, and I was overcome with the need for revenge. It wouldn’t be tonight, though. Right now, I needed to take care of Jack and rebuild my strength. But it would happen soon. I’d make sure of it.

* * *

When we got to our first stop, everyone waited outside to give my mom and me some privacy. I noticed in passing that her boyfriend’s house was big, modern, and extremely nice. Maybe I’d been off base with the unemployed artist thing.

It was odd to meet Chet for the first time under these circumstances. He was tall and slim and wore his long, thinning hair in a ponytail, and we shook hands a bit awkwardly when I introduced myself. Then he said, “Dude, what happened to you is a real bummer.” There was no question he’d been a surfer at some point.

A moment later, my mom appeared in the entryway. She started ranting, crying, and squashing me in a hug, all at the same time. I’d never seen her so upset, and I felt guilty as hell for scaring her like that. I also felt terrible when I told her just a couple of minutes later that I had to go, because I was about to collapse. Fortunately, Chet stepped in and began comforting her as I hurried out the door.

By the time I got back to the SUV, Romy had moved into my seat and was tending to Jack’s wound. It was freshly bandaged, and he was lecturing him about taking it easy for the next few days. Jack promised he would as he pulled his teddy bear jacket back on.

While my brother repacked his large first aid kit, I finally got why they’d brought him along. He was our field medic, and if that rescue operation had gone south, he might have had his hands full.

When we pulled up in front of Romy’s apartment a couple of minutes later, I got out with him and gave him a hug as I whispered, “Thank you for helping. But if you ever put yourself in danger again because of me—”

“Try and stop me. I love you, Reno. Get some rest, and see a doctor tomorrow. You look terrible.”

I grinned a little and said, “Maybe,” as I climbed back into the SUV. He rolled his eyes, because he knew what my version of “no” sounded like.

Finally, we drove to the vacation home the Dombrusos had rented. It was just too much effort to haul ourselves out to my house in the desert, so Jack and I decided to spend the night.

When we got inside, I was introduced to Josh and Darwin, who’d been in on the rescue mission and had gotten home minutes ahead of us. Then I was crushed in an embrace by a little old lady in a pink track suit. After she squeezed the hell out of me, she held me at arm’s length and said, “Let me look at you.” There were tears in her dark eyes as she nodded and told me, “Yup, you’re definitely a Dombruso. You look just like the rest of my grandsons. We have so much to talk about, kiddo.”

“Tomorrow, Nana. He and Jack are dead on their feet.” Dante handed me a couple of bottles of water and some ibuprofen as he told me, “Go on upstairs and pick out any of the empty bedrooms. We’ll see you in the morning.”